June 15, 2024
Education News Canada

Frost Road Elementary student artist wins international recognition

May 22, 2024

A Frost Road Elementary student is coming off an incredible hat trick of artistic achievements after being recognized in three international art events and having her work displayed in Paris and China.

Grade 5 student Lavinia Guo has been celebrated for her eye-catching paintings, which have expressed themes of peace, friendship and environmental protection.

The first event was the 11th Youth World Cup Live Painting Competition, a UNICEF-sponsored event that saw more than 1,000 youth take part in a live-painting challenge at the Richmond Oval in September. With her work depicting the themes of "friendship, dreams and environmental protection," Lavinia was one of just 10 gold medalists, placing first in her age category.

The second competition was the International Children's Art Exhibition, held in fall 2023. A partnership between UNESCO and France, participants submitted paintings with the theme of "One World, One Dream - World Peace," with Lavinia winning the Outstanding Award for her piece We Are the World. As a result of her win, Lavinia's work was displayed at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris, France, this past December.

Most recently, one of Lavinia's pieces was selected for inclusion to the Dunhaung Art Children's Art Exhibit, which opened at the Dunhuang Museum in Jiuquan, China, in early May.

"She's a wonderful student who excels at everything she takes on," said Jessica Dempster, Lavinia's teacher. "Lavinia's creativity and passion shines through in more than just her artwork, and each of her assignments are completed with such imagination and individuality."

Lavinia's mother, Rita Chen, said her daughter began showing an interested in art at an early age and after drawing inspiration from anime and fictional characters, has thrown herself into painting, drawing and pastel work.

With plans to attend Emily Carr University of Art + Design, Lavinia's future is sure to be a full of colour!

Congratulations, Lavinia!

For more information

Surrey Schools
14033 92nd Avenue
Surrey British Columbia
Canada V3V 0B7

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