The Ontario Public School Boards' Association (OPSBA) strongly supports the recommendations outlined within the Ontario Human Rights Commission's (OHRC) new report Dreams Delayed: Addressing Systemic Anti-Black Racism and Discrimination in Ontario's Public Education System.
"Black students, like all students, deserve to be educated in identity-affirming and inspiring learning environments where they feel a strong and positive sense of belonging, and where their unique strengths are recognized and nurtured," says Kathy McDonald, Chair of OPSBA's Black Trustees' Caucus (BTC). "Unfortunately, as I can tell you from firsthand experience, that has often not been the case in Ontario's publicly funded education systems."
OPSBA President Kathleen Woodcock agrees, noting OHRC Chief Commissioner Patricia DeGuire's comments in the report: "Fostering substantive equality and a sense of belonging for all students, including Black students, will help cultivate a climate in which everyone can enjoy their right to read, learn, and experience dignity and respect."
"We must take intentional action that will achieve better outcomes for Black students, and we fully support the student-centred and outcomes-based focus of this report," says President Woodcock.
During the OHRC's fall 2023 consultation, the BTC published a submission providing numerous recommendations and highlighting some of the important work already underway in school boards across Ontario to intentionally improve outcomes for Black students. These recommendations included:
- the establishment of coordinated and consistently reviewed accountability mechanisms to monitor and track the impact of efforts to address anti-Black racism, with a focus on improving student achievement and well-being.
- the further development of Black History curriculum that highlights Canadian perspectives and contributions.
- the establishment of a ministry-led partnership table to guide frameworks, supports, curriculum, resources, and funding.
- the provincial expansion of the Graduation Coach Program for Black students to provide culturally responsive mentorship and academic guidance.
"We are pleased to see key elements of our recommendations reflected in the report, including the need for a coordinated approach, meaningful partnerships with communities, targeted Student and Family Advocate programs, and the expansion of the Graduation Coach Program," says Chair McDonald.
OPSBA will continue to champion school boards' leading practices that support Black students and families.
"Many school boards have implemented promising and effective practices, but lasting change requires deeper, coordinated efforts across the entire education system," says President Woodcock. "We look forward to working with all education partners to take the urgent and meaningful action required to create a better education system for all students, including Black students across Ontario."
About the Black Trustees' Caucus
Established in 2022, the BTC brings together publicly elected or appointed trustees who identify as Black, in a supportive environment where they may collaborate to influence change. The Caucus includes trustee representation from across Ontario.
One of OPSBA's multi-year strategic priorities is Student Success, Equity, and Well-Being aimed at promoting and advancing high-quality, equitable, and inclusive learning environments that support student achievement and well-being. The BTC engages in various initiatives and partnerships to advance this priority.
The Caucus focuses on improving the educational experiences of Black students, mentoring Black student trustees, and raising awareness among students, families, and school boards about the historical and ongoing issues affecting student achievement. It also highlights practices that positively impact Black students. Using data, Caucus members provide informed recommendations to support better educational outcomes and teaching practices for Black students across Ontario.