September 28, 2024
Education News Canada

NextGen to present Rustlers Golf Tournament 2023

May 8, 2023

For the second consecutive year, NextGen Automation has stepped forward to support Lakeland College's athletics program as the presenting sponsor of the Rustlers Golf Tournament. They have supported the golf tournament in other capacities since 2015 and became title sponsors in 2022.

"Sponsoring the Lakeland Rustlers' 2022 Golf Tournament was a great honour for us at NextGen Automation," says Troy Schmeichel, president of NextGen Automation. "We are committed to supporting the communities we live and work in and believe in giving back through volunteering, supporting local businesses and participating in community events. Our aim is to make a positive impact and create a bright future for the generations to come. We are thrilled to extend our support once again to the accomplished young athletes at Lakeland College as the presenting sponsor of this tournament."

The golf tournament raises funds to support championship travel for the Rustlers teams, which include basketball, volleyball, soccer, futsal, curling, women's hockey, and rowing.

"Our Rustler programs have become so competitive over the years and are winning a number of medals and championships not only provincially but also nationally," says Alan Rogan, Lakeland College's athletics director. This year, the Rustlers women's volleyball team won gold at the Canadian Collegiate Athletic Association national championship, as well as at the Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference (ACAC). Mixed Curling also won ACAC gold, with men's futsal and women's hockey winning ACAC bronze.

"The challenge with being successful is that it increases our operational costs. Our annual golf tournament is one way for us to cover those increasing costs. We are always appreciative of our community members who support our Rustlers both during the games and in our fundraising endeavors. Thank you NextGen for once again making another year of Rustlers excellence possible," says Rogan.

This year's golf tournament will be on Aug. 29 at Rolling Green Fairways west of Lloydminster. There are still sponsorship opportunities available and registration opens on May 1. Tickets will also be available for a celebratory banquet following the tournament. Registration will be open online at and

For more information

Lakeland College
5707 College Drive
Vermilion Alberta
Canada T9X 1K5

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