September 28, 2024
Education News Canada

Robots clash in epic battle, Sask Polytech hosts annual Robot Rumble

May 8, 2023
Saskatchewan Polytechnic hosted 87 teams of 162 students from 41 high schools from across the province today (May 3) in a battle of technical skills during Robot Rumble, presented by SaskTel. Nine schools were new to the competition!

Image Credit: Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Student teams showcased their problem-solving skills, technical expertise and teamwork by working in pairs to construct, program and test robots made from SUMO robot kits. Two classes of competition were offered this year, stock and modified.

Similar to traditional Japanese sumo wrestling matches, two SUMObots face-off against each other in a ring. The goal is simple: try to knock or push your opponent's robot out of the ring. The SUMObot that stays in the ring the longest wins. After a round-robin tournament held in the morning, the final rumbles started in the afternoon. 

"Robot Rumble is a fun and engaging way to promote robotics and programming skills," says Dr. Larry Rosia, Sask Polytech president and CEO. "Robot Rumble offers a fantastic opportunity for experiential learning and serves as a great introduction to the School of Mining, Energy and Manufacturing.  Thank you to participating students, supportive high school teachers and chaperones, and the sponsors whose contributions made today's event possible. Heartiest congratulations to the winners of the competition!"

Student involvement in robotics competitions provides them hands on learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Robot Rumble encourage collaboration and teamwork, teaches problem solving skills and helps students build their confidence as they see the results of their hard work and effort.

Careers in mining, energy and manufacturing require a diversity of skills. Sask Polytech's School of Mining, Energy and Manufacturing programs train students in everything from engineering technology, welding and industrial mechanics to electronics, ironworking and underground mining.

Image Credit: Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Learn more about Robot Rumble at

For more information

Saskatchewan Polytechnic
400 - 119 4th Avenue South
Saskatoon Saskatchewan
Canada S7K 5X2

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