September 28, 2024
Education News Canada

Bioscience students secure first and second place in regional competition

June 13, 2024

Six students in the second year of Holland College's Bioscience Technology program participated in Atlantic BIOCON at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, NS recently, and two of them earned the distinction of first and second place in the student poster competition.

Atlantic BIOCON is a regional conference for bioscience professionals. Emerging trends, technological advancements, and cutting-edge developments in bioenergy, bioprocessing, and biorefining in the fields of agriculture, forestry, marine, and municipal solid waste are presented. In addition to demonstrations by leading scientists, Atlantic BIOCON features the work of the next generation of professionals with a student poster competition. Scientific posters are visual presentations of research findings or scientific information, and they are used to share information at events such as Atlantic BIOCON.

Second-year Bioscience Technology student Isaac Owusu Asiedu secured first prize in the competition for his project assessing the efficacy of nanoparticle-stimulated bacterial degradation of environmental petroleum; and second-year student Daniel Cangahuala won second for his work exploring the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of kelp extracts.

The students' research projects were supported by Holland College's Applied Biotechnology Research Group, which offers technical solutions and R&D supports for small and medium sized enterprises through applied research and development services. The students' experience with the ABRG adds to their expertise even before they enter the bioscience workforce.

College President Dr. Alexander (Sandy) MacDonald said the students represented the college well at the conference.

"As these talented students embark on their future careers, we wish them success and fulfillment in their endeavors. Holland College is proud to support and nurture the next generation of biotechnology leaders. Their posters not only demonstrated the advanced nature of their research, they showed the rest of the region the high calibre of our Bioscience Technology program," he said.

Second year Bioscience Technology instructor Dr. Jessy Livingston agreed.

"The opportunity for our students to be able to present research projects that they designed and executed themselves was an invaluable experience and demonstrated the diverse skill sets and impressive abilities of this next generation of biotechnologists to the larger biotech community," she said.

Isaac and Daniel have just completed their on-the-job training at Biovectra and are pursuing industry positions. Second-year bioscience students Zaid Daqa, Frank Duodu, Katie Lowe and Victor Varenium Singh also represented the college, presenting their research to biotech businesses, government representatives, and academics.

Holland College offers a two-year Bioscience Technology diploma program, and one-year Bioscience Technology Post-Graduate certificate program; and, in conjunction with the University of Prince Edward Island, a Bioscience Joint Degree program. For more information about the Bioscience Technology programs and other Holland College programs, visit

For more information

Holland College
140 Weymouth Street
Charlottetown Prince Edward Island
Canada C1A 4Z1

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