January 30, 2025
Education News Canada

Chaotic Implementation of Law 14 in English-language CEGEPs: FPPC-CSQ calls on the government to change course

January 30, 2025

Fédération du personnel professionnel des collèges (FPPC-CSQ) and its eight unions representing professional staff at English-language CEGEPs are denouncing the disproportionate impact that Law 14 is having on the work of professional staff and on students' academic progression and calling on the government to implement realistic measures to resolve the situation.

Serious consequences for professional staff and students

With the implementation of Law 14, professional staff, particularly those responsible for learning paths, academic information, programs of study and communications, have been coping with an excess workload for over a year. According to FPPC-CSQ president Éric Cyr, "Academic advisors, for example, must apply new rules that vary according to the origin of each student. There are so many different cases that advisors who once had 19 learning paths to deal with for CEGEP programs now have 115 of them. This adds considerably to their workload and increases the risk of error. In another example, all communications at English-language CEGEPs must now be bilingual. Not only have additional resources to handle the extra work failed to materialize, but CEGEPs are now in the midst of a recruitment and hiring freeze. Nobody has grown any extra arms since the act was passed. As a result, many of our members are exhausted because of the impact the legislation has had. They need help."

A simple measure that would make a big difference

As for the impact on students, FPPC-CSQ and its member unions at English-language CEGEPs are seeing easily preventable situations that can have significant negative effects. "Professional staff at English-language CEGEPs are dealing with discouraged students who can't understand how a simple program change during their studies can add several courses to their college education. We believe that students who were attending CEGEP before Law 14 came into effect should be allowed to complete their studies without losing any courses or having to redo French courses that were replaced after the legislation was implemented. They should benefit from some sort of temporary grandfather clause so as not to undermine their motivation and prospects for graduation. That is what we are calling on the government to do," added Mr. Cyr.

French proficiency: the struggle for recognition

FPPC-CSQ is also calling for improvements for adults enrolling in continuing education programs in English. First, the new rules result in significant costs for adults who want to go back to school, because various types of proof of French language proficiency, even proof from French-language universities and CEGEPs in some cases, are not accepted. Adult applicants must then pay hundreds of dollars to take new tests "proving" their French proficiency. Access to such tests should be facilitated for people in this situation, or the eligible proofs expanded. Another little-known consequence of Law 14 is its impact on recent adult immigrants who wish to study at the college level. "These college and continuing education applicants have no acquired right to attend CEGEP as anglophones, and they often don't speak French. As a result, it's hard from them to meet the new French language requirements for obtaining an Attestation of College Studies (ACS), even if they want to study in English. People in this situation would need intensive French courses in order to obtain their ACS within a reasonable time and join the labour market, which is currently experiencing a shortage of skilled workers," concluded Éric Cyr.

For more information

Fédération du personnel professionnel des collèges (FPPC-CSQ)
9405, rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal Québec
Canada H1L 6P3

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