March 12, 2025
Education News Canada

City partners with Sheridan College to take action on energy and emissions

May 28, 2019

We use energy every day, whether it's power to keep the lights on or fuel to keep the car running. But the type - and amount - of energy we use can impact both the planet and our pocketbooks. That's why the City of Brampton, in partnership with Sheridan College, is developing a comprehensive new community energy plan.

The Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan (CEERP) is a long-term plan to combine the energy conservation efforts of the City, local utilities, business, industry, residents, and community stakeholders. It will set out specific energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emission reduction targets that meet provincial and federal climate change commitments.

Technical work and benchmarking done to date has shown that:

  • As a community, Brampton spends $1.8 billion each year on energy for transportation, residential, commercial and institutional activities. Over the next three decades, those costs are expected to more than quadruple due to population growth and increased utility rates.
  • Transportation accounts for at least half of all energy costs and emissions in Brampton.
  • On average, homes and buildings in Brampton are approximately half as efficient as global benchmarks.
  • Brampton's annual greenhouse gas emissions per person are about 5.6 tonnes - twice the global best practice and 10 times the Government of Canada goals for 2050.

The CEERP will create a roadmap to help Brampton achieve world-class energy performance by:

  • Improving energy efficiency and savings
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
  • Increasing resilience to climate change
  • Ensuring energy security - the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at an affordable price

A task force of community members has been established to act as advisors for the development of the plan. Made up of a broad cross-section of local stakeholders, this group will be leading community engagement efforts over the next eight months. The final report on the CEERP is expected to be presented to City Council in early 2020. For more information on the project, visit

Eco Pledge

In support of the CEERP, this year's Grow Green Eco Pledge is all about energy. The Eco Pledge is an easy way for residents to commit to simple, eco-friendly - and money-saving - actions for a specific period of time.

To take the pledge, people simply visit, choose at least one action they can commit to from now until the program ends at the end of September, and submit their pledge - then share with coworkers, classmates, family and friends so they can do their part as well! Participants will be eligible for a prize.

"Energy is such a constant in our everyday lives that we sometimes take it for granted. I'm so pleased we are partnering with Sheridan on this exciting new project that will have positive economic, environmental and social outcomes for our community. The CEERP supports the goals of the Brampton 2040 Vision, the Grow Green Environmental Master Plan, and our Council priorities, and complements the many progressive environmental initiatives already underway."

  • Mayor Patrick Brown

"We are happy to be collaborating with the City of Brampton and our community partners on this important initiative. The Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan will allow us to build on the success of Sheridan's own Integrated Energy and Climate Management Plan, which has the college on track to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2020."

  • Herbert Sinnock, Director of Sustainability, Sheridan College

For more information

City of Brampton
2 Wellington Street W
Brampton Ontario
Canada L6Y 4R2

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