March 14, 2025
Education News Canada

Coast Capital helps break down barriers for special needs youth

February 3, 2021

Vancouver Community College (VCC) is delighted to announce that Coast Capital Savings has donated $18,500 to support VCC's Gateway to Post-secondary (GPS) program. Coast Capital has contributed $63,500 key funding towards the program over the past three years. 

GPS was developed in partnership with the Vancouver School Board (VSB) to help students with cognitive disabilities and diverse learning needs successfully bridge their education to post-secondary programs and/or industry. 

"The GPS program has opened the doors to many possible careers for students that they may have not been aware even existed," says VCC Community and Career Education (CACE) department head, Ingrid Defert. "Many students transition smoothly from the GPS program into VCC's industry-specific Adult Special Education programs in food service, retail, and hospitality. They also come more prepared and less anxious about college life because of the program."

Since the pilot launched in 2014, the program has served 80 students thus far.

"The program has been instrumental in breaking down barriers and give students with disabilities greater confidence and independence as they transition to post-secondary," says Defert. "The key has been to familiarize students with post-secondary life as early as possible. Students tour VCC as young as grade 9 and stay connected until they graduate high school."

For more information

Vancouver Community College
1155 East Broadway
Vancouver British Columbia
Canada V5T 4V5

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