September 18, 2024
Education News Canada

CNA student becomes social media star

April 29, 2022

It isn't every day that a person goes from being a student to emerging as a social media star.

Colby Farrell is an Architecture Engineering Technology student at CNA's Ridge Road campus in St. John's, NL. He is also a popular TikTok creator with more than 200,000 followers on his account.

Such is the rise to fame for Colby Farrell, an Architectural Engineering Technology student at College of the North Atlantic's (CNA) Ridge Road campus in St. John's.

Farrell has become a well-known face in TikTok circles. After three years of being on the popular video-based social media platform, that has more than 800 million users worldwide, he has accumulated more than 200,000 followers and over six million likes.

"I use TikTok as a way to express my creativity, share knowledge about things I find interesting, and hopefully to make people smile," said Farrell.

Originally from Marystown, NL, Farrell says his newfound fame is thrilling.

"It's definitely exciting because it has connected me with so many people and given me so much opportunity; yet also strange, because it kind of puts into perspective that I have influenced over 200,000 people in some way through my platform," he said.

Currently living in St. John's, Farrell says he is always on the lookout for new material for his popular TikTok account.

"I have a few techniques I use to come up with ideas," he noted. "I will scroll Instagram or Twitter and see if there is a meme I can turn into a video, watch my favourite creators to seek inspiration, and also taking note of what's trending. I'm constantly looking out for inspirational ideas."

Better known as @ifarrellzz, Farrells account has facts about Newfoundland, the occasional recipe and some of his own artwork. He says the social media site has opened a up a world of possibilities for him.

"If you asked me three years ago where I would see myself now, I would never have guessed I would be where I am," he said. "TikTok has opened doors I didn't know existed, and the opportunity is there for anyone and everyone."

Set to graduate in June, Colby wasn't a fan of being faced with online learning during the pandemic, but overall enjoyed his time at CNA.

"CNA has been a pretty great experience," he said. "Most of my instructors have been amazing, and I absolutely loved learning about Architectural Technology! I wasn't so hyped about having to shift to online learning though."

When he is not at school or making TikTok videos, he enjoys spending time with his girlfriend, Cordelia. Together they could be what's considered a power couple on TikTok. Better known as @lord.cord, she is also well known  with more than 380,000 followers.

Colby says he is looking for a way to combine his passions while pursuing a career in architecture. He also has some advice for those just starting out.

"Stop letting the opinions of others prevent you from reaching for your goals. They're not as far away as you might think."

For more information about Architectural Engineering Technology and other CNA programs, visit

For more information

College of the North Atlantic
432 Massachusetts Dr.
Stephenville Newfoundland
Canada A2N 2Z6

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