March 6, 2025
Education News Canada

What activities should an REB review?

September 29, 2022

Over the next few weeks, the Association pour la recherche au collégial (ARC) will be holding two training events entitled What activities should an REB review? The first session will be held online on October 19, 2022, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. (Montreal time) and is intended for Research Ethics Board (REB) members and those who coordinate REB activities. The second, also offered online, on November 7, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Montreal time), is intended for everyone.

Given that the most recent version of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans defines research as an undertaking intended to extend knowledge through a disciplined inquiry or systematic investigation, with the expectation that the method, results and conclusions will be able to withstand the scrutiny of the relevant research community, what activities should an REB review? What are the main criteria for defining a research activity that must be considered by an REB? Which activities are exempt or qualify for an exception? Which activities have traditionally employed methods and techniques similar to those employed in research but are not considered research and, therefore, do not require REB review? This session will lay the groundwork for the next activity on research ethics, specifically ethical deliberation, which will include a simulation of an REB review.

ARC has created a series of REB webinars to provide REB members and coordinators an opportunity to develop professionally and make contacts. The 11th Meeting, on October 19, will allow them to hone their skills while building the bond of trust that must exist between them. This session will also include a period of discussion about ARC's desire to develop a community of practice bringing together college-level REB members. REB members and those who coordinate REB activities can register for this session by filling out this form:

Researchers, research advisors who do not coordinate REB activities, ethics advisors, and even research managers will naturally be interested in the session on what activities an REB should review, and, as such, they can attend ARC's November 7 meeting instead. To register for this second session, they simply need to fill out the following form:

In each session, discussions with the contact persons can be held in both English and French. Note that in order to encourage an open discussion and full participation, the session will not be available for offline viewing after it has ended. Individuals from institutions that make a contribution to ARC will be allowed to participate free of charge. Otherwise, the fees are outlined in the fee schedule.

For more information

Association pour la recherche au collégial (ARC)
255, rue Ontario Est, bureau A-7.67
Montréal Québec
Canada H2X 1X6

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