September 28, 2024
Education News Canada

LKDSB releases ‘Count Me In LKDSB' Student Demographic Data Census results

March 30, 2023

The Lambton Kent District School Board (LKDSB) has released the results from the Count Me In LKDSB Demographic Data Student Census for elementary and secondary students, which was conducted March 1-April 8, 2022.

The LKDSB conducted the Count Me In LKDSB Student Census to collect information to better understand its students and school communities in support of equity, inclusion, student achievement and well-being. This initiative is part of the LKDSB's commitment within its Strategic Priority of "Inclusive Diversity: Championing anti-oppressive education."

Of the total LKDSB enrolment in the 2021-2022 school year (14,591), parents/guardians participated on behalf of 784 elementary students (5.3% of total eligible elementary students) in the student census. There were 2,394 secondary students (34.3%) who participated in the student census of the total enrollment of 6,981 students.

The LKDSB recognizes there were challenges for the administration of the survey and not all eligible students or parents/guardians may have been able to complete the census.

Read the elementary and secondary reports on the LKDSB website . To ensure the confidentiality of respondents, only aggregated data is available.

This voluntary and confidential survey gathered demographic information about students, such as languages, Indigenous identity, ethnic/cultural background, racial identity, citizenship status, religious/spiritual affiliation, gender identity, sexual orientation, and (dis) abilities.

The census is directed and supported by the Ontario Ministry of Education and the LKDSB is authorized to collect personal information from students by the Anti-Racism Act (ARA s.6(2)), Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA s.28(2)), and the Education Act (265(1)(d), 169.1(1)).

"We are pleased with the results of the inaugural Count Me In LKDSB Student Census. The results from the Student Census provide us a better understanding of the diversity of our student population and this will help us develop programming and make informed decisions on how to best support students moving forward," said Director John Howitt. "This is just the start of this work and we look forward to our continued engagement with students, staff and parents/guardians to ensure the best outcomes for all students."

In alignment with the LKDSB's Strategic Priority of "Inclusive Diversity: Championing anti-oppressive education," the LKDSB's Operational Plan outlines strategies to remove barriers to education. The Count Me In LKDSB Student Census is another data resource to help educators and education workers to ensure they are meeting individual needs and promote schools that are welcoming, inclusive and safe learning spaces for all students.

The LKDSB plans to conduct a follow-up student census in fall of 2024.

For more information

Lambton Kent District School Board
200 Wellington Street
Sarnia Ontario
Canada N7T 7L2

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