February 22, 2025
Education News Canada

Exciting Enhancements to RCDSB Secondary Schools

May 24, 2023
A visioning exercise at the secondary level of Renfrew County District School Board (RCDSB), called Re-think@Secondary, will see enhancements beginning in September 2023. Coming changes include: opportunities for seamless transition to French-as-a-Second-Language from elementary to secondary schooling, dedicated chromebooks for each student in grade seven to twelve (7-12), and a pedagogical framework that will support all learners and educators, in a response to the destreaming initiative as mandated by the Ministry of Education.

The Re-think@Secondary initiative is the second phase of an overall commitment to address the strategic direction of the RCDSB. It follows phase one, an Elementary School Review and implementation. The current review focused on enhancing the secondary school experience in the following areas: program pathways, initiatives for student success, experiential learning opportunities, virtual learning environments, and transitions to and from secondary school. The RCDSB's commitment to equity is weaved throughout the process and is evident in the new initiatives.

The Secondary Review involved outreach and input from a wide array of stakeholders including students, parents and guardians, staff, federation and union partners, the Board of Trustees, as well as members of school communities through advisory committees. All stakeholders had the opportunity to share their ideas, suggestions, and perspectives in various formats.

The recommendations stemming from the Secondary School Review are approved by the Board of Trustees and establish a renewed vision for RCDSB's commitment to excellence. www.rcdsb.on.ca "This is a very positive initiative that will enable students and staff to continue to thrive in dynamic, vibrant teaching and learning environments," said Dr. Pino Buffone, Director of Education. "The Rethink@Secondary initiative keeps as many pathways open longer for all of our students."

This September, Re-think@Secondary implementation begins. Some key highlights to improve student success and well-being include:

Chromebook Device Deployment: Grades 7 to 12

Starting in grade 7, all students will be assigned an RCDSB Google Chromebook for the duration of their time enrolled with RCDSB. This initiative puts modern technology for learning and communicating in the hands of students - year round. It will be the students to use as needed to access learning, whether in the evenings, weekends, on sick days or even over the summer. It arms our students with today's technology on a one to one basis, which is an equalizing resource currently not available. It provides a tool students need in so many pathways of our evolving world. Staff continue to use technology to support and improve learning together with other hands-on resources. The Chromebook initiative is just one project where technology is being used as an effective way to support learning in new ways.

French-as-a-Second-Language (FSL) Program Expansion

Following the extremely popular expansion of French-as-a-Second-Language (FSL) at RCDSB's Elementary schools, a seamless transition for FSL students will continue into Secondary. A certification will be established for Grades 9 to 12, including certificates in Extended French and French Immersion. A multi-year implementation plan District wide begins in 2023. As well, the opportunity to participate in Diplôme d'études en langue française (DELF) certification will be available for all students taking FSL in Grade 12, system-wide.

Destreaming Grade 9

The destreaming of grade nine is a Ministry mandate that began in September 2022.

The RCDSB's commitment to destreaming will enable students to be the drivers of their future education and career goals.

"The creation of the RCDSB's Framework for Destreaming within the context of universal design for learning (UDL) will serve as a guide to support and engage students and their teachers in Ontario's restructured grade nine." said Kristin Riddell, Superintendent for Program Services 7 to 12 and Student Success.

The framework will focus on teaching approaches to:

  • engage all learners
  • inclusive learning environments
  • connections to learning partners
  • foster and champion innovation
  • assessment and evaluation practices that meet the needs of all learners
  • strategies to acquire global competencies Within the framework of equity, destreaming will ensure that students continue to be provided the opportunity to reach their highest potential.

The framework includes well-being, Indigenous Ways of Knowing, a commitment to anti-oppression, and will provide programming and learning experiences that foster high expectations to engage and motivate all students.

The History of RCDSB's Vision Exercise

In order to address the short, mid, and long-term strategic direction related to Programs and Services offered by the RCDSB, the visioning exercise was conceptualized in the Fall of 2017. A new strategy to look at elementary and secondary programming was developed based on a series of "Guiding Principles" and organized by "Terms of Reference." A committee of stakeholders assembled to explore the matter quickly realized that two phases of the vision would be needed - one at the elementary level, and one at the secondary level. Since then a third phase to review Adult and Continuing Education has emerged. This third phase will commence in the 2023-24 school year, followed by a fourth phase related to Early Years and Child Care Services.

The first phase' of the vision exercise took place over the course of the 2017-2018 school year, and led to a multi-year expansion of programs and services that began in the Fall of 2018 at the elementary level. Through the recommendations of the Elementary School Review approved by the Board of Trustees, the renewed vision for public education at the elementary level included:

  • instituting both Early and Middle French Immersion programs across all families of schools;
  • broader access to RCDSB property by the community through the District's Community Use of Schools as a service.

"The Board of Trustees firmly believes these progressive changes will enhance our students' educational experiences and ensure that they are well situated for future success in whatever pathway they choose. We are very excited about these new initiatives and note how they align and support our motto: Inspire Empower Achieve." concluded Susan Humphries, Chair of the Board of Trustees.

For more information

Renfrew County District School Board
1270 Pembroke St. West
Pembroke Ontario
Canada K8A 4G4

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