March 6, 2025
Education News Canada

BCI Reunion Makes Donation to École New Era School

October 13, 2023

Just over three months ago, many former Grade 12 classmates from Brandon Collegiate Institute's (BCI) Class of 1973 and Class of 1974 returned to École New Era School to take part in a tour of the school, where they walked down the hallway and corridors that once echoed their younger voices.  

The school tour for these classmates, their partners and teachers was just one activity in part of the BCI 2023 Reunion Weekend held in June, 2023.  

With all of the excitement around the weekend's schedule, the Committee hoped that many former classmates would plan to attend.   From the Friday evening until the Sunday afternoon, many former classmates renewed past friendships, recalled old memories, and hopefully created many new memories.  

On Friday, October 6, 2023, former classmates, and members of the BCI 2023 Reunion Committee met with Administrators, staff, and students at École New Era School, and presented the school with a cheque in the amount of $3,355.82 representing the event's remaining balance of funds.   The donation will be used to support extra-curricular activities and lunch programs for the benefit of École New Era School students and their families.  

On behalf of staff and students at École New Era School and the Brandon School Division, thank you for supporting our students and school. 

For more information

Brandon School Division
1031-6th Street
Brandon Manitoba
Canada R7A 4K5

From the same organization :
12 Press releases