March 16, 2025
Education News Canada

UGDSB, WCDSB, University of Guelph and March of Dimes partner to launch Project SEARCH

January 12, 2024

Upper Grand District School Board and Wellington Catholic District School Board students with disabilities will have the exciting opportunity to gain skill building opportunities through Project SEARCH at the University of Guelph beginning in September 2024.

Developed at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center in 1996, Project SEARCH is a unique school-to-work training program for students with disabilities. Students will be immersed at the University of Guelph where they will get more than 700 hours of hands-on work experience geared to in-demand roles in the local labour market. They then learn employability skills and plan their careers with guidance from March of Dimes Canada, the local vocational rehabilitation counsellors.

"The school-to-work transition is a pivotal period when a student leaves education for the labor market and is a vital process in a young person's life," shared Lesley Smith, Executive Director/Vice President, Skill Development and Employment March of Dimes Canada. "As youth and young adults seek out their aspirations and economic independence, this crucial transition time can be extremely challenging, especially for individuals with disabilities. These challenges can result in an unsuccessful transition where one may end up unemployed or underemployed in low-wage jobs with minimal career prospects. Project SEARCH bridges the school-to-work transition for youth and young adults with disabilities by providing a supported pathway to the workforce, ensuring individuals of all abilities have the financial means to avoid or escape poverty and live well with disability."

Currently, there are 750+ Project SEARCH sites worldwide. The program reports that approximately 70% of students are employed within a year of graduation. This reflects the overall success of the program for graduates and their employers.

"UGDSB is pleased to partner with the Wellington Catholic District School Board, the University of Guelph and March of Dimes Canada to bring Project SEARCH to life. We know that our joint commitment to the program will support young people with developmental disabilities find meaningful, paid employment upon completion of the skills training and internships provided during the 2024-25 school year," said Peggy Blair, UGDSB Superintendent of Education.

Bringing Project SEARCH to Guelph has been a multiyear project for the committee. Following the opportunity to take advantage of funding, leads connected with University of Guelph representatives who were inspired by the fundamentals of the program.

"Project SEARCH is a triple win for the University of Guelph.  With a strong commitment to offering experiential learning opportunities for our students as a means to gaining relevant employability skills, we have the opportunity to support students with intellectual disabilities from Guelph-Wellington to gain similar skills and experience on our campus, while also providing our UofG students with opportunities to develop valuable inclusive leadership and mentorship skills, and building a more welcoming, inclusive campus", said Janet Doner, Manager of Campus and Community Integrated Learning in the Experiential Learning Hub, and Business Liaison for Project SEARCH Guelph.

To share information about Project SEARCH, UGDSB, Wellington Catholic DSB, the University of Guelph, and March of Dimes Canada will be partnering up for an Information Night.

"The Information Night is a great opportunity for candidates and their families to ask questions about details of the program," shared Jeff Mawhinney, special education program coordinator for Wellington Catholic DSB. "We are really excited to be bringing Project SEARCH to Guelph and appreciate the collaboration that has made it possible."

The Information Session will be hosted on Tuesday, February 6 at University of Guelph's University Centre in Room UC 442 at 6:30 p.m. We encourage you to RSVP for the event ahead of time by visiting the following link:

Following the Information Session, an Intern Application Process will begin, before the successful candidates are selected in May.

For more information

University of Guelph
50 Stone Road East
Guelph Ontario
Canada N1G 2W1

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Upper Grand District School Board
500 Victoria Road N.
Guelph Ontario
Canada N1E 6K2

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Wellington Catholic District School Board
75 Woolwich St
Guelph Ontario
Canada N1H 6N6

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