March 9, 2025
Education News Canada

Director Of Education Announces Resignation

March 28, 2024

The Director of Education for the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board, Danny Viotto, has announced his resignation. 

Mr. Viotto informed the Board of Trustees last night (March 20) that he is leaving the position to pursue a senior leadership position with a private school in the Toronto area.

"My feelings are mixed because of the great privilege it has been to serve as Director of Education and how incredibly proud I am of the outstanding work that we have done, particularly over the past couple of years," said Viotto.

Viotto has been Director for just over two years. Prior to that, he served as Superintendent of Education for four years. His education career with the board spanned over 25 years, beginning as an elementary school teacher in 1997.

"I am extremely grateful for the generous support of every one of you, combined with being surrounded by such a thoughtful Board of Trustees, a talented Senior team and some pretty outstanding Principals and Vice-Principals, Viotto shared with employees in an email.  

"Without a doubt, our board has never been in a better position when it comes to having a positive and healthy culture; I learned a long time ago that success comes when people feel valued, supported, and celebrated.  I genuinely thank you for all that you do to make HSCDSB such a special place," he added.

"It was with great emotions and mixed feelings that the Board regretfully accepted Danny's resignation.  We wish Danny and his family all the best," said Board Chair, Gary Trembinski.

"We thank Danny for his 27 years of dedicated service to Catholic education and for the direction he has taken the Board over the past two years."

The Trustees have reviewed the procedures for replacing a Director of Education and are proceeding now with a consultant to begin the search for a new Director. 

Viotto will remain in his role until mid-July to ensure a smooth transition for his replacement.

For more information

Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board
90 Ontario Ave
Sault Ste Marie Ontario
Canada P6B 6G7

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