February 23, 2025
Education News Canada

New St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School Blessing and Official Dedication Ceremony

April 11, 2024

On Tuesday, March 26, 2024, the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board celebrated the Blessing and Official Dedication of the new St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School.  The evening commenced with a blessing of the statue of St. Patrick and all of the classrooms and learning spaces by the Most Reverend Douglas Crosby, O.M.I., Bishop of Hamilton.

Bishop Crosby led all gathered in an opening prayer and commented on the importance of Catholic education.  He indicated, "that from its earliest days, the education of young people has been a priority for the Church."  He recalled Jesus' words, "let the children come to me."  "Then and today, we want children to know that they are loved by God and treasured by the Church", Bishop Crosby stated in his inspiring opening remarks.

Cutting a shiny green ribbon, Bishop Crosby, Father Tony O'Dell, Chairperson, Patrick Daly, Trustee, Josie Angelini, Director of Education, David Hansen, Superintendent of Education, Julie Angiolillo, Principal, Tina Fricano and parent and student representatives, declared the wonderful new facility officially open.

The St. Patrick Catholic Elementary School Choir entertained a full gymnasium of guests with two beautiful performances including the song, "They'll know we are Christians by Our Love" and "Children of the Light".

In words of congratulations, Board Chairperson, Patrick Daly said, "that as he reflected on this special occasion, two thoughts kept coming back to him.  The first, that of great joy and the second, profound gratitude.  He expressed joy knowing how deserving the current and future students are to learn and grow in faith in such an awesome school facility.  Gratitude knowing how hard so many individuals worked to make the new school a reality.  He expressed special words of appreciation to; His Excellency Bishop Crosby, Father Tony O'Dell, Senior Manager of Facilities, Paul Ferrie, Manager of Construction, Roy Drysdale and most especially Associate Director of Corporate Services, Paola Pace-Gubekjian for their vision and tireless work.

In her hope filled Principal's remarks, Tina Fricano indicated that the school community is "now charged with the responsibility of making this building a home to showcase our talents, the stage is our podium to perform and celebrate, and the classrooms are places where we ask deep questions, practice new literacy and numeracy skills, and write our educational journal.  In the framework of a truly effective Catholic school, we work in partnership with the parish, parents and staff to provide the best possible Catholic school education for all of our children." 

In bringing the official ceremony to a close, Wards 3 and 4 Trustee, Josie Angelini, invited all gathered to tour the beautiful new school facility.

For more information

Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board
90 Mulberry Street
Hamilton Ontario
Canada L8N 3R9

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