September 28, 2024
Education News Canada

SMCDSB Announces Return Art Engagement Project

April 16, 2024

In partnership with Making Change, the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board proudly announces the return of the hugely successful Art Engagement Project! The Art Engagement Project's goal is to harness the power of creativity to address racism and promote diversity. By teaming up with Black artist mentors, students from 30 classrooms will embark on a transformative journey. They will explore the impact of racism and express their visions for change through various art forms.

At the end of this project students will share their creations within the school and broader community, through performances, exhibits, and online showcases. This initiative not only highlights the talents of our students but also amplifies their voices about making our communities more inclusive.

We thank Making Change and all participants for their enthusiasm and commitment to making a difference. Let's make this year's Art Engagement Project a memorable journey of creativity and change!

For more information

Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board
46 Alliance Blvd
Barrie Ontario
Canada L4M 5K3

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