March 14, 2025
Education News Canada

Paul-Charbonneau Scholarships: recipients of the 13th edition!

October 28, 2024

The Fondation Éducation en français is proud to announce the 2024 edition of the Paul-Charbonneau Scholarships to three deserving students!

These scholarships are intended to encourage the pursuit of postsecondary education in French in a minority context in Canada, while highlighting academic success, leadership and community involvement.

Recipients of the 2024 Paul-Charbonneau Scholarships are:

Bryanna Patipe Nawe is an outstanding student recognized for her academic achievement and community involvement. She maintained an overall average of over 85%, with particularly high grades in French (97%), art (99%) and social studies (over 90%). 

Each year, she has received the meritas for academic excellence from her school. Active in her community, Bryanna has participated in fundraisers, served on the student council, the parents' council, and the Association canadienne d'éducation de langue française (ACELF). 

Bryanna has been captain of the women's basketball team and organizer of events such as Black History Day. Creator of the podcast "Encore Moi", she gave a voice to young Francophones in Alberta and played a major role in promoting the Alberta Youth Parliament. Winner of several awards, including the 2024 Leader of the Year Award and her school's Person of the Year Award, Bryanna has also excelled in improvisation and theater. 

She values cultural diversity, proudly blending her French, Cameroonian and Canadian roots, and encourages the use of French in her school environment.

Lisa-Kooner Singh is a dedicated and promising student who stands out for her academic results and her commitment to the Francophone community and culture. Lisa has completed the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme and the Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) in Communication Technology, maintaining an academic average between 96% and 97%. 

She has written a 4,000-word dissertation on Canadian identity and has produced advanced laboratory reports, receiving certificates of excellence annually. As an executive member of the student council since 2022 and Minister of Francophonie for her school, she has proposed ideas for school events and chaired projects such as PACTE (Projet Animée d'une Communauté Toujours Engagée), aimed at promoting community engagement as well as the podcast "The Art of Overreflection". 

Lisa-Kooner has organized multicultural and artistic events, including competitions on the Francophonie. She has won several academic accolades, including first place in the Caribou Mathematics Competition, as well as medals and certificates for her leadership, first aid, and audiovisual production skills. 

Lisa-Kooner has accumulated approximately 1,000 volunteer hours as a French tutor, programming mentor and facilitator, while actively participating in the Youth Council to promote cultural diversity and the French language.

Olivia LeBlanc shines as much for the quality of her schoolwork as for her community involvement. She distinguished herself at the science fair by winning silver and gold medals in 2023 and 2024, with a project on treatments for rheumatoid arthritis. She also won the 2024 Sanofi Biogenius Canada Award. 

Olivia explored current issues through an editorial on university accessibility and a research project on water management in Nova Scotia, inspired by the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to her academic achievements, she has demonstrated remarkable leadership. She served as technical minister of the student council and played a key role in the creation of the school's scrapbook. Passionate about the Acadian Francophonie, she values French in her daily life and through her school projects. 

Olivia is active in her community, contributing to the leadership committee, organizing fundraisers for shelters, and participating in charitable initiatives. She has been awarded distinctions such as the Étoile du Sommet for her volunteer hours, the citizenship award in 2021, as well as recognitions for her high averages in French, mathematics, physics and visual arts.

The FNCSF would like to thank the 2024 Paul-Charbonneau scholarship sponsors: the Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (ACUFC), the Centre franco-ontarien de ressources pédagogiques and Miller Thomson LLP.

The three Paul-Charbonneau scholarships, each in the amount of $1,000, were created in memory of Paul Charbonneau, an ardent defender of the Canadian Francophonie for more than twenty years. 

From the beginning of his career, education in French was his priority. He was the first executive director of the National Commission of Francophone Parents (CNPF). In 2001, he assumed the position of Executive Director of the Fédération nationale des conseils scolaires francophones (FNCSF) and the Regroupement national des directions générales de l'éducation (RNDGE). Paul Charbonneau died in 2007.                       

For more information

Fédération nationale des conseils scolaires francophones
435, rue Donald, bureau 203
Ottawa Ontario
Canada K1K 4X5

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