March 14, 2025
Education News Canada

Marc-André Ouellette, recipient of the 2024 Jean-Robert-Gauthier Award

October 28, 2024

The Fédération nationale des conseils scolaires francophones (FNCSF) is proud to recognize the remarkable work of former school trustee Marc-André Ouellette of the Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique, with the 2024 Jean-Robert-Gauthier Award.

This award recognizes the exceptional contribution of a Francophone or Acadian school trustee, past or present, who has defended the principle of French-language education in a minority context, and linguistic duality, with vigour and conviction in the face of adversity.

The recipient of the 2024 Jean-Robert-Gauthier Award, Marc-André Ouellette, accompanied by Simon Cloutier (left), President of the FNCSF, and Mark Power (right), of Juristes Power Law.

Marc-André Ouellette's strong leadership skills have earned him a reputation as a tireless advocate of the right to French-language education.

Guided by his love of the French language, culture and the well-being of students, he led battles for the establishment and advancement of French-first-language education in British Columbia, the repercussions of which were felt across the country.

Mr. Ouellette has forged ties with Franco-Colombians, particularly those from Victoria, whom he represented as an elected school official, thanks to more than four decades of community involvement.

With over twenty years' experience as a school trustee, he was a founding member of the French-language school board in British Columbia. Today, the Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique (CSF) still serves the entire province, with 47 schools attended by 6,000 students.

In 1996, Mr. Ouellette was sworn in as a school trustee with the mission of structuring the new institution. His passion and courage have left their mark on his career, particularly in the area of school management.

In 2010, along with his CSF colleagues and the Fédération des parents francophones de Colombie-Britannique (FPFCB), he launched a legal action against the provincial government to uphold constitutional rights to French-language education.

This legal battle lasted ten years, culminating in a decision by the Supreme Court of Canada. The SCC ruled in June 2020 that Franco-Colombians are entitled to an education equivalent to that offered to the majority.

In its ruling, the SCC concluded that the province could not invoke costs to justify a violation of section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom. The same court that, in 1990 with the Mahé decision, allowed the creation of French-language school boards in Canada by recognizing the right of parents belonging to the linguistic minority to manage their own schools, was thus confirming thirty years later the obligations of the provinces and territories towards Francophones in terms of funding their schools. The ruling stipulates that the funding formulas of French-language school boards must meet the specific needs of French-speaking minority communities.

Mr. Ouellette also represented his school board in British Columbia at the National Federation of French-Language School Boards for nearly 15 years. In this capacity, he contributed to a number of national issues, including the signing of the strategic agreement on education, the renewal of the Protocol for Agreements for Minority-Language Education and the 2017 National Education Summit.

Marc-André Ouellette is a model of resilience and an inspiration to the next generation of school trustees, to whom he leaves a lasting legacy. 

"Our demands, on behalf of the rights holders, are not privileges but rather entitlements that are owed to them. They are also obligations that our governments must fulfill," he stated during his award acceptance speech.

The FNCSF would like to thank the 2024 Jean-Robert-Gauthier Award sponsor, Juristes Power Law.

The late Jean-Robert Gauthier devoted most of his professional life to the political arena. An advocate for the rights of Francophones outside Quebec, he took a stand and intervened on numerous occasions on issues concerning official languages in Canada.      

For more information

Fédération nationale des conseils scolaires francophones
435, rue Donald, bureau 203
Ottawa Ontario
Canada K1K 4X5

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