January 30, 2025
Education News Canada

Prioritizing Spending for Student Success

November 22, 2024

The Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) commits to working with Ministry of Education and school boards to invest every dollar into student success.

CODE welcomed today's message from the Ministry of Education, stressing the importance of responsible spending, accountability and transparency. School boards work with limited resources, and Directors are guided by the importance of ensuring that every dollar is targeted toward student success.

CODE represents the 73 Directors of Education across Ontario's publicly funded school boards. We recognize our members' important role in leading their districts and our province to achieve excellence in student learning while upholding a culture of trust, transparency, and accountability. We are committed to working with the Ministry and publicly funded school boards to strengthen any controls necessary and reassure the public that every tax dollar being spent is supporting student success.

As stewards of scarce public funds, Directors work with their publicly elected officials to ensure that students and classrooms receive the necessary resources to succeed. Rightfully so, the public demands that we get it right every day. Our students' futures depend on the choices we all make.

For more information

Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board
151 Dairy Avenue
Napanee Ontario
Canada K7R 4B2

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