March 6, 2025
Education News Canada

Buffalo Release at Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation

December 16, 2024

On Tuesday, December 3, 2024, a small selection of students and staff were able to participate in a historical experience.

Invited by Travis Mazawasicuna, a Sioux Valley Dakota Nation Safety Officer, the group travelled to Birdtail Sioux Dakota Nation (near Birtle, MB) as 11 young buffalo (including a sacred white buffalo) were released to land that has not inhabited a herd in hundreds of years. Sioux Valley Dakota Nation gifted these buffalo from their healthy herd of over 100.

Raven Willoughby, Indigenous Education Learning Specialist, was joined by a bus of 31 students (11 Earl Oxford, 11 New Era, 7 King George, 2 Prairie Hope) and 7 staff (BSSIP/IAA/Teacher/VP). Students from Birdtail Sioux School also attended the events.

A welcome occurred at the Birdtail Sioux sign where horse riders from SVDN and BSDN led a procession through the community and into the valley where the release occurred. Members of the community sang and drummed to a Buffalo song during the release. 

Speeches and a gathering occurred afterwards at the Land-based Centre beside the buffalo area. Elders spoke of the sacredness of this event, shared the White Buffalo Woman Teaching, and spoke of this gift as being an important aspect of the future of the reserve for the children - a gift from one nation's children to another.

Despite it being a long travel day for staff and students, all parties recognized the specialness of the event and were happy to have participated!

For more information

Brandon School Division
1031-6th Street
Brandon Manitoba
Canada R7A 4K5

From the same organization :
12 Press releases