The Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation welcomes news that the Government of Saskatchewan has signed on to the National School Food Program as part of a $15.8-million, three-year agreement with the federal government.
"We are very pleased with this announcement and congratulate the governments of Canada and Saskatchewan on this important step forward to feed hungry students in our province. This investment by the federal and provincial governments will have a significant impact on the individual lives of many students, as well as positively impact the broader school communities," says STF President Samantha Becotte. "We appreciate the leadership and sector collaboration shown by the Saskatchewan School Boards Association, Canadian School Boards Association, local school boards and the Canadian Teachers' Federation in championing the benefits and value of the National School Food Program."
Teachers see firsthand how the availability of nutritious food at school benefits children and youth. Students who are not hungry at school and are not worried about their next meal are better prepared for learning, demonstrate improved attendance and are set up for success in school and in life. This commitment by the federal government is an important step in addressing food insecurity and means that school food programs will be available in more Saskatchewan schools and will benefit more students.