January 7, 2025
Education News Canada

Westwood Alumni earns Ultimate Canada Scholarship

December 20, 2018

Former Westwood Collegiate student Nick E., who graduated in 2017, is this year's recipient of the Ultimate Canada Scholarship. Every year, Ultimate Canada offers a $500 scholarship to an Ultimate Canada member who contributes to the growth and development of junior Ultimate in Canada.

The program's emphasis is on coaching at the junior level. We are very proud of Nick E. for not only his many achievements in the sport, but also for his contributions giving back to our community. Nick is the Ultimate coach at Lincoln Middle School, where he first got involved with the sport and attributes his love for Ultimate to SJASD staff member Ms. Stark, who has been a leader in this sport in our Division.

We thank Nick for his dedication to the Ultimate program and wish him the best of luck studying education of the University of Winnipeg. To read the full story, written by Ultimate Canada, please click here. 

For more information

St. James-Assiniboia School Division
2574 Portage Ave.
Winnipeg Manitoba
Canada R3J 0H8