Students of Peace Wapiti Public School Division (PWPSD) continue to demonstrate success on the Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs), administered annually by Alberta Education to students in Grades 6 and 9, and the Grade 12 Diploma Exams.
Provincial Achievement Test results are good news for PWPSD's Grades 6 and 9 students
The percentage of Grade 6 students achieving the Acceptable Standard exceeds the provincial outcome in Social Studies, and comes within close proximity of Language Arts, Math and Science results. The percentage of Standard of Excellence achievers went up in both Math and Social Studies, while Language Arts and Science outcomes hover close to last year's results.
The percentage of Grade 9 students achieving the Acceptable Standard outperforms provincial outcomes in Math and Science, with a tie in Social Studies, and lands just shy of average provincial results in Language Arts. The percentage of Grade 9 students achieving the Standard of Excellence improved year-over-year in Math and Social Studies. The slight year-over-year declines seen in Language Arts and Science - 1.3 and 0.4 per cent respectively - are not concerning.
Diploma Exam results within range of provincial outcomes
The percentage of PWPSD students achieving the Acceptable Standard exceeded provincial outcomes in three areas: English 30-1 and 30-2, and Math 30-2 - the latter a record high for the division. Also notable is a tie with the province in Physics outcomes, and close alignment on the majority of other subject areas.
Improvements in the percentage of students achieving the Standard of Excellence is encouraging, with English 30-2 students slightly above the provincial outcome. Results also show year-over-year improvements in English 30-1, Math 30-2, Biology 30, Physics 30 and Social 30-1.
Deputy Superintendent Darren Young said decreases to Science 30 in both the Acceptable Standard and Standard of Excellence averages are still within range of provincial outcomes, adding that schools will analyze Social 30-2 results to look for areas of instruction that represent opportunities for growth moving forward this school year.
"We are pleased with the results overall," says Superintendent Bob Stewart. "Seeing our Grade 9 Acceptable Standards outcomes mirror those of the province in all four subject areas is cause for celebration. In our quest for areas of improvement, our Education Officers will work with Principals to identify supports to increase the percentage of Grade 9 and Grade 12 students achieving the Standard of Excellence."
"With this goal in mind, we will continue to direct funds to support coaching projects, mentorship programs, reading intervention programs, Indigenous Education programming and our Collaborative Response Model (CRM) - a system-wide framework that promotes an educational team approach to the individual needs of all students. These projects support teachers in developing new strategies to deliver curriculum."