We are thrilled to announce that the new St. Nicholas Catholic Elementary School building is now ready!

St. Nicholas students and staff will return from the Christmas break on Monday, January 6th to their new school building, located at 477 Warminster Drive in Oakville.
Following a review that took place during the 2015-2016 school year, the decision was made to consolidate the school communities of St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School and St. James Catholic Elementary School.
In September, 2018, students and staff from both school communities joined to form a new community named St. Nicholas Catholic Elementary School.
The new St. Nicholas Catholic Elementary School community was housed on the former St. James site (255 Morden Road in Oakville) while the new school building was constructed on the former St. Joseph site (located at 477 Warminster Drive in Oakville).
Over the past several months, the Board's Facility Management staff have worked diligently with contractors to get this new school ready for occupancy. While there still remains work to be completed in the Learning Commons (Library), the Gymnasium, and the Kindergarten Natural Outdoor Play Yard - all classrooms and the majority of the new school will be ready for students and staff on Monday, January 6, 2020.
Congratulations to the St. Nicholas Catholic Elementary School community as you embark on this new adventure! We hope you will cherish the wonderful memories made in our past school building and establish new traditions in your new space!