Minister Cardy will be visiting ASD-N as part of the upcoming regional consultations on the green paper.
The Department of Education and Early Childhood, in partnership with Anglophone School District North, is organizing a consultation session on Tuesday, February 11th, at Miramichi Valley High School. The school is located at 345 McKenna Avenue in Miramichi.
This consultation session will provide an opportunity for parents, school employees and community partners to share their feedback on the ideas presented in the green paper. In addition, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development Dominic Cardy will meet with groups of students and teachers throughout the day, to gather their respective feedback.
Succeeding at Home: A green paper on Education in New Brunswick was released this fall and contains ideas to make our education system, from birth to graduation, the best in the world. The goal is for education to be at the heart of everything New Brunswick does. The ideas outlined in this document are based on the foundations established in the 10-year education plans. A link to the green paper can be found at: