October 6, 2024
Education News Canada

York Catholic District School Board Announces New Name for Richmond Hill High School

July 6, 2020

At the Board Meeting on Tuesday, May 26, 2020, Trustees of the York Catholic District School Board voted unanimously in favour of renaming Jean Vanier Catholic High School to Our Lady Queen of the World Catholic Academy.

The decision to consider a name change was made by Trustees in February 2020, after shocking revelations came to light about the disturbing actions of the school's namesake, Jean Vanier. As outlined in the Board's Policy 709: Naming of Schools, a committee was struck and input collected from the local parish, parents, students and staff, before a short list of possible names was brought to the Board of Trustees for consideration.

"Our Lady" in the new name references Mary, the mother of Jesus. "Queen of the World" is one of many Queen titles given to Mary and derives, in part, from the ancient Catholic teaching that Mary, at the end of her earthly life, was bodily and spiritually assumed into heaven, where she is honored as Queen because of her divine relationship with Jesus, King of Heaven.

The new name refers to the parish closest to the school - Our Lady Queen of the World Roman Catholic Church. The Board's Policy 709, states that "key consideration shall be given to the local Parish name if not previously selected." It also fulfills the committee's consideration that the school be named after a female in light of victims of abuse.

The change in designation from Catholic High School to Catholic Academy represents the school's focus on excellence in all pathways, including Advanced Placement, French Immersion, English as a Second Language (ESL), and multiple Specialist High School Major (SHSM) programs.
A process will be initiated shortly to transition the school to its new name, with the expectation that it will be in place before the start of the 2020-2021 school year.


"The York Catholic District School Board remains steadfast in its belief that sexual assault and sexual exploitation are unacceptable behaviours that will not be tolerated. We also recognize that the outstanding reputation of this school is not because of its name, but is due to the professional, caring, and faith-filled staff, as well as the outstanding students and alumni, and their supportive families. This new name honours the school community and is a joyful expression of their faith."
Maria Marchese, Chair, Board of Trustees

"I am deeply grateful for the thoughtful and considerate work of the Naming Committee and appreciate how quickly the members came together to complete this important task. Thank you to our Trustees, staff, students and community partners for their part in assisting the healing journey of our school community."
Ab Falconi, Director of Education

For more information

York Catholic District School Board
320 Bloomington Road West
Aurora Ontario
Canada L4G 0M1

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