As schools in Bluewater District School Board prepare for annual Terry Fox Run activities, there is plenty to celebrate and good reason for optimism.
Despite restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, schools throughout the district were able to collectively raise just over $34,315 this past year for the Terry Fox Foundation. The funds are used to support cancer research projects across Canada with the aim of increasing the longevity and quality of lives of cancer patients.
This past year's dollar amount signals a fundraising milestone of $750,000 for Bluewater schools through annual Terry Fox School Run events since inception. The Terry Fox Foundation has awarded Bluewater District School Board with a milestone plaque in honour of this latest accomplishment.
"Like Terry, your family of schools showed resilience and compassion this year in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic. The schools in your region persevered through the hardships of starting a very different school year and found creative and safe ways for their students and staff to participate in the Terry Fox School Run." - Terry Fox Foundation
Congratulations to our many Bluewater students, staff, and families, whose combined efforts, commitment, generosity, and compassion toward a vitally important cause are reflected in this amazing achievement.