July 2, 2024
Education News Canada

Youth invited to design new BC RCMP challenge coins

November 1, 2021

The BC RCMP is looking for talented students to design its new Youth Officer Challenge Coins to symbolize the positive connection between police and youth in the province.

The contest, by the Community Policing Services and the Surrey RCMP Youth Team, invites students age 14 to 18 to create an artistic representation of B.C. youth and shine a light on the community in which they live.

"When initially discussing the idea to create a BC RCMP Youth Officer Challenge Coin, it just made sense for us to connect with youth directly," said Cpl. Jacob Cheung from the Surrey Youth Team in a statement. "We are continually amazed by the talent and drive that youth in B.C. have and we look forward to seeing what designs they create."

A challenge coin is a small coin or medallion with a unique design specific to an organization. While challenge coins have a longstanding military history, their use has expanded to first responders and civilians, representing camaraderie among recipients and often provided in recognition of outstanding work.

Four winning designs will be selected for coins specific to each RCMP District: Island, Lower Mainland, North and Southeast. The coins will provide BC RCMP Youth Officers the opportunity to recognize hardworking youth in the community and build ongoing positive relationships with teens.

The entry deadline is Monday, Nov. 15. Winners will be announced on Sunday, Dec. 5.

To enter or for the full contest details, click here.

By Jacob Zinn

For more information

Surrey Schools
14033 92nd Avenue
Surrey British Columbia
Canada V3V 0B7

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