With its latest 88.1% graduation and qualification rate published by the Ministry of Education (MEQ) last Friday, October 29, the Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board (SWLSB) has surpassed the 88% goal set by the MEQ.
This remarkable result exceeds the objective to be reached by 2022. Thanks to the hard work accomplished by our employees, families and partners, SWLSB ranks among the best school boards/school service centres in the province. With its 88.1% graduation and qualification rate, the SWLSB finds itself 9.5% above the provincial public-school average.
"This accomplishment could not have been achieved without our amazing teachers and dedicated staff who work tirelessly, day in and day out to offer quality services to our students. Over the past years, we have been focused on our Commitment-to-Success plan, which is our roadmap to success. Our efforts have paid off," said Paolo Galati, Chairperson of the SWLSB.
This collective success must be celebrated by all SWLSB stakeholders, as they played a key role in preparing and implementing our Commitment-to-Success Plan which is the result of an extensive public consultation.
"We are absolutely excited about this result which is a true testament to the importance of teamwork: when we work together, there is no limit to what we can accomplish. ENGAGE-BUILD-ACHIEVE certainly takes on its full meaning with this impressive outcome," concluded Mr. Galati.