March 9, 2025
Education News Canada

Holy Rosary Burlington Student Featured on CHCH News for Receiving YWCA's Youngest Women of Distinction Award!

March 10, 2022
Congratulations to Lauren Cutaia, a Grade 5 student from Holy Rosary Catholic Elementary School in Burlington for being selected as YWCA Hamilton s "Youngest Trailblazer" through the 2022 Women of Distinction Awards!

In honour of International Women's Day, YWCA Hamilton awarded females who are making a difference in the areas of art, culture, education, business, entrepreneurship, health, research, and many other significant fields in the Halton and Hamilton communities.

On Tuesday, March 8th, CHCH News visited Holy Rosary School in Burlington to interview Lauren as she received her award.

Lauren was announced as the Halton winner in the Young Trailblazer category for her achievements in creating homemade clay beaded bracelets to support those in need.

Lauren began selling the bracelets in August and September, 2021, with all proceeds supporting local charitable organizations such as the Alzheimer Society, Burlington Humane Society, The Burlington Food Bank, Halton Catholic Children's Foundation (HCCF), and additional funds supporting breast cancer research. Over 700 bracelets have been sold and over $1000 was donated to local charities.

"Over the pandemic, a lot of people had been struggling and I wanted to help them. And I love jewelry so I decided to create bracelets and sell them at five dollars each, and give the proceeds to all local charities," said Lauren.

"Lauren is a ray of sunshine, I'm so blessed to be her teacher. She lightens up our everyday with her wonderful kindness, her genuine love of learning; she gives her all to everything," said Grade 5 Teacher, Mrs. Mullally.

"To see that empathy towards others and to see her using a gift that she has was incredible. She had friends to help her, and she had long long long lines of customers. She had to go home to make more every night because she was selling out," said Mrs. Mullally.

Congratulations to Lauren and special thanks to the Holy Rosary Burlington community for supporting this incredible initiative!

For more information

Halton Catholic District School Board
802 Drury Lane
Burlington Ontario
Canada L7R 2Y2

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