September 18, 2024
Education News Canada

Corinna Glazier Receives Principal of the Year Award

April 29, 2022

At its Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony on April 22, Principal Corinna Glazier of St. John School in Red Lake, received the Principal of the Year award from the Catholic Principals' Council of Ontario.

L to R: Antonella Rubino, CPCO President, Corinna Glazier, Principal at St. John School and Joe Geiser, CPCO Executive Director

"I am truly honoured to receive this award from CPCO and am humbled by the nomination from my colleagues at Kenora Catholic District School Board," said Corinna Glazier. "I am grateful for the ongoing support and guidance I receive from my fellow principals, vice-principals, and the KCDSB. I wish to thank the staff, students, and parents who strive to bring leadership and the teachings of Jesus to our everyday practice. We have an amazing school community, and I am so grateful for your support as I continue to grow in my role as principal. It is a privilege to work and serve alongside you."

Corinna Glazier was working as an education assistant at her children's school when she was called to teaching. She began her teaching career in 2004 and has worked in a variety of roles. Along with being a classroom teacher and a learning resource teacher, Corinna has been blessed with being a numeracy facilitator and innovative technology teacher. Corinna was teacher-in-charge for a number of years, and she is now in her sixth year as Principal of St. John Catholic School in Red Lake. She continues to serve on a variety of committees and works closely with community agencies. In addition to serving her school community, Corinna supports her parish as lector, Eucharistic minister, hospitality support and on the Parish Council.

"Corinna is an exceptional Catholic leader and role model at St. John School and within the Kenora Catholic District School Board, and the recognition from her colleagues and the Catholic Principal Council of Ontario is well deserved," says Director of Education Paul White. "Corinna works incredibly hard for her students, staff and families to create a warm and welcoming school community where everyone belongs, and students receive the support they need to be successful.

For more information

Kenora Catholic District School Board
1292 Heenan Place
Kenora Ontario
Canada P9N 2Y8

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