Ecole Secondaire Cochrane High School (ESCHS) is one of 33 schools across Canada to receive a 2022 Farm School Canada Grant. ESCHS are one of 166 other schools that have received grants from Farm to Cafeteria Canada since 2016.
This grant will positively affect school community in a variety of ways. First and foremost, students will benefit from learning about the important connection of respecting the land so that it can provide for us. Understanding the process involved in getting food to table from local farmers and Indigenous food harvesters will be an invaluable learning opportunity. Through this, ESCHS will delve into discussions surrounding food insecurity, healthy eating and meal planning as well as inform students about important Indigenous traditions such as the fall hunt, trapping, fishing and gathering.
ESCHS will be preparing healthy, locally sourced meals to their school community once (sometimes twice) every month. Breaking bread together is a chance not only to learn about where food comes from, but to socialize with each other. As students try different foods and learn about how foods are prepared from growers and harvesters, it is the hope that students are encouraged to build healthy habits and support local food sources.
What is the Farm to School Canada Grant?
Offered in partnership with Whole Kids foundation, these grants are valued at up to $10,000 each and are open to all K-12 schools across Canada. The grants create opportunities for students to access healthy, local food at school and participate in hands-on learning that connects them to the local food system and community members involved in it.
About Farm to Cafeteria Canada
F2CC is a partnership-based organization with a vision for vibrant and sustainable regional food systems that supports the health of people and planet. F2CC works toward their vision by providing resources and support to school communities