June 29, 2024
Education News Canada

StFX confers over 1,000 degrees and honors leaders in international development and health

May 8, 2023

St. Francis Xavier University celebrated the accomplishments of more than a thousand graduates of the Class of 2023 at the Charles V. Keating Centre on campus on May 7.

"StFX is about community and relationships," said St. Francis Xavier University President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Andy Hakin. "We exist to build a better society and you are the product of that,"  said Dr. Hakin as he addressed graduates in both ceremonies. "It gives me immense pride to see so many talented individuals who have invested their time, energy, and resources to pursue their academic dreams, now ready to embark on a new journey in their lives. The road to success is never easy, and all deserve to be proud of what you have accomplished, he added. "Be the positive speaker. You can make a difference."

StFX President and Vice Chancellor Dr. Andy Hakin

During the morning ceremony, former Coady Institute Director, Dr. John Dr. Gaventa, received an honorary degree for his significant contributions to adult education, academic scholarship, and international development, a distinguished career of nearly 50 years.  

"It was a privilege to be Director of the Coady Institute and Vice-President of StFX for a few years, and to come to know this wonderful community," said Dr. Gaventa. "As you pursue your journey, keep learning. Your education doesn't stop with graduation. Much of my learning hasn't come from the formal classroom - despite my professors' best intentions - but from the leaders in grassroots communities, who peoples' knowledge and courage in the face of adversity have been constant sources of inspiration. Listen for such wisdom and for the stories of hope that will give you strength," added Dr. Gaventa as he addressed the graduating class.

A Global pioneer in health promotion Dr. Irving Rootman, received an honorary degree during the afternoon ceremony for his four decades of outstanding leadership in health promotion. "St. Francis Xavier University is known for its field of health promotion in Canada and hosts the National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health and just received funding to create an intersectoral program based on health promotion principles such as equity and empowerment. I can see this becoming a model for other universities and community colleges across the country," said Dr. Irving Rootman, in a video he shared with the graduates.

StFX Chancellor, Dr. John Peacock '63 addressed both morning and afternoon convocations, offering some advice to the graduates: take away StFX values and apply those values to your life, along with feeling empathy for others and having the ability to turn empathy into action then into compassion for others, and bring your StFX education forward.

"Today, we're celebrating your graduation," Kerry Prosper, StFX Elder in Residence, said in his remarks. "However, the journey is not finished. It's the beginning of a new journey. All the experiences here, good and bad, will help build strength and prepare for the future.

Outstanding Faculty Teaching Award were presented to: Dr. Christina Holmes, Health; Dr. Tamara Rodela, Biology; Dr. Mary Oxner, Accounting and Finance. President's Research Award winners were Dr. Erin Mazerolle, Psychology and Dr. Geniece Hallett-Tapley, Chemistry.

On Saturday, a special convocation was held for the Classes of 2020 and 2021 for graduates who did not receive a convocation due to COVID restrictions at the time. Graduates were invited back to campus for the opportunity to walk across the stage. 

For more information

St. Francis Xavier University
P.O. Box 5000
Antigonish Nova Scotia
Canada B2G 2W5

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