March 26, 2025
Education News Canada

uOttawa Spring Convocation: Time to welcome our new Chancellor, confer Honorary Degrees and celebrate the Class of 2023

June 8, 2023
The future looks bright. It has been a long, arduous road for the Class of 2023, yet they learned to adapt, develop a good dose of resilience, and didn't let a global pandemic stop them from achieving their goals. These thinkers, makers, dreamers, and doers - all 8,677 of them - will celebrate their hard-earned accomplishment over the next few days, as the University of Ottawa hosts its Spring Convocation.

Installation ceremony for Chancellor Claudette Commanda

During the first Convocation ceremony on Thursday, June 8 at 9:30 a.m. Elder Claudette Commanda will be installed as the fifteenth Chancellor of the University of Ottawa, and the first of Indigenous descent.

Ms. Commanda is an Algonquin Anishinaabe from the Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg First Nation and her Installation ceremony will be imbued with various layers of symbolism.

uOttawa to confer 9 Honorary Degrees

The University of Ottawa will also confer Honorary Doctorates to nine inspiring leaders in their respective fields during the upcoming Convocation ceremonies.

Honorary doctorates are awarded to individuals for their substantial contributions to their profession, or to society at large. This honour acknowledges that the recipients deserve to be recognized for their unsurpassed abilities, talent, and leadership.

These inspiring individuals include:

  • Afua Cooper, scholar
  • André Picard, journalist
  • Andrée Poulain, author
  • Janet Rossant, scientist
  • Lewis E. Kay, academic
  • Macky Tall, business leader
  • Makhtar Diop, financier
  • Marie Lemay, CEO of the Royal Canadian Mint
  • Perry Dellelce, founder and managing partner, Wildeboer Dellelce LLP

Get to know this spring's Honorary Doctorate recipients.

Convocation ceremonies schedule

The media is invited to attend all ceremonies at the Shaw Centre or connect via the live feed.

Of note: The Faculty of Law's first cohort from the Certificate in Indigenous Law will be celebrated by Supreme Court Justice Michelle O'Bonsawin on Thursday, June 7 from 5:30pm to 8pm at Desmarais, room 4101. The media is welcome to attend.

WHAT: uOttawa Spring Convocation

WHEN: From June 8 to June 11, 2023


  • Honorary doctorate recipients
  • Jacques Frémont, president and vice-chancellor
  • Claudette Commanda, chancellor
  • Deans from all faculties
  • Graduating students from the Class of 2023

WHERE: Shaw Centre. There will be a ceremony live stream linknorth_eastexternal link for family and friends who wish to watch remotely.

For more information

University of Ottawa
75 Laurier Avenue East
Ottawa Ontario
Canada K1N 6N5

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