June 2, 2024
Education News Canada

Will Ontario and Alberta's ‘Chicago Principles' on university free expression stand?

November 10, 2023

Our tolerance for expression that we value often exceeds our tolerance for expression we find distasteful. Nonetheless, if there's a place in society where the high ground on free expression should be consistently held, surely it's on university campuses.

While universities are expected to foster robust debate on a range of contentious and controversial issues, finding the right balance between free expression and protection from harm is no easy task.

University campuses across Canada and the United States have been consumed by the war between Hamas and Israel, and there have been concerning incidents of antisemitism and Islamophobia. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says antisemitic and Islamophobic incidents have left Canadians "scared in our own streets."

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The Conversation
167 College Street
Toronto Ontario
Canada M5T 1P7

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