September 19, 2024
Education News Canada

Vertical gardens improving indoor air quality

February 16, 2024

The living wall in the Centre for Engineering Innovation incorporates an active biofilter system to purify the building's air.

The installation of biofilters in living walls promises a significant enhancement of the air quality in the Centre for Engineering Innovation and the Medical Education Building.

The vertical gardens emulate nature by reproducing layers of foliage and creating the soft sound of water trickling down a cliff face. More than 8,000 non-pollinating and hypoallergenic plants from about 35 species create a healthier and more sustainable environment for the campus community.

Installed by New Earth Solutions, the Respira Pro Biofilter actively removes toxins from the air, naturally purifying a combined 20,000 cubic feet per minute. It is integrated into each building's ventilation system and features synthetic grow media that withstands environmental challenges for long-term durability.

The CEI wall, titled "Flow Through," measures 31x35 ft with a dominant wave of dark foliage symbolizing the contaminated air passing through the system, contrasted by brighter green patches representing the transformation into cleaner, healthier air.

The design in the Medical Education Building, "Rise," is 21x41 ft and directs the viewer's gaze upward to appreciate its full height, while the tapered beaker shape adds scale to the installation. Carefully curated plant growth ensures each species receives ample light.

The University of Windsor's Biofilter Living Walls contribute not only to the beauty but to the health of the campus environment. Learn more about this and other campus sustainability infrastructure.

For more information

University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor Ontario
Canada N9B 3P4

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