September 28, 2024
Education News Canada

St. Thomas University Operating and Ancillary Budgets for 2024-25

May 27, 2024

At its May meeting, the Board of Governors approved operating, ancillary, restricted, and capital budgets for 2024-25. The budgets were developed in consultation with a President's Advisory Committee which had representation from faculty, administration, and students. We also hosted a Budget Town Hall in March and the community had the opportunity to make submissions to the Committee.   

The 2024-25 Operating Budget reflects our objectives to achieve a balanced budget while maintaining the quality of education and financial sustainability of the university and keeping tuition comparable with other universities in the region. It projects a deficit of $316K on revenues of $34.7M before a transfer from internally restricted funds to cover the shortfall.  

Revenues include a Provincial Government operating grant increase of 2.6% and a 4% tuition increase in all programs. For the core Bachelor of Arts, this means a $331 increase for domestic students and $744 for international students. Student fees remain the same, except for the mental health fee which increases by $50.  

Last year, STU had the fourth lowest domestic tuition and sixth lowest international tuition among 14 universities in the region. As well, we continue to provide up to $2.8M of financial support to students in the form of scholarships, bursaries, and awards. 

Operating and Ancillary Budgets Highlights    

  • Operating Budget revenues are projected at $34.7M, which includes the operating grant from the Provincial Government ($13.9M to STU and $2.2M transfer to UNB) and tuition and fees ($16.4M). Additional revenues include external grants from government and other sources totaling $1.2M, government funding for contract positions of $1.1M, indirect research costs of $119K, fundraising, and miscellaneous.  
  • Academic expenses total $18.7M comprised primarily of salary and benefits at $17.7M. Administrative and general expenses total $6.1M with the main component being salaries and benefits of $3.8M.  
  • The Ancillary Services Budget, covering student residence and conference services, projects a surplus of $105K after principal payments on long-term debt of $445K. The prices for rooms will increase by 3%, while meal plans will increase by 10%. 

The Budget Summary Report 2024-25, which has comprehensive information on each budget, may be found here, while tuition and fee information may be found here

For more information

St. Thomas University
51 Dineen Drive
Fredericton New Brunswick
Canada E3B 5G3

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