September 27, 2024
Education News Canada

University of Regina bestows honorary degree upon Dr. Bhanu Prasad

June 14, 2024

The University of Regina has awarded Dr. Bhanu Prasad with an honorary Doctor of Science honoris causa (DSc) during Spring 2024 Convocation.

"It is an incredibly humbling and gratifying experience to receive this degree from the University of Regina," said Prasad. "This recognition from a prestigious institution affirms the dedication and passion I have put into my clinical work, research, and teaching endeavours. It serves as validation for the countless hours of effort and commitment I have invested in my professional pursuits."

Prasad is a Regina physician renowned for his expertise in nephrology - a field of medicine that deals with kidneys and hypertension. An award-winning nephrologist, teacher, and researcher, he is internationally recognized for his research in a rare disease - loin pain hematuria syndrome (LPHS), and his unwavering commitment to finding answers to this relatively unknown condition.

LPHS is a debilitating disease that affects young women, who are often treated with high doses of opiates, resulting in depression and long-term disability. Prasad and his team have successfully used renal denervation - a minimally invasive catheter-based procedure - to provide lasting pain relief to patients with LPHS. They are also conducting genetic studies to understand the molecular pathways for patients suffering from LPHS with the aim of developing early diagnosis and potential treatment options before patients end up disabled and on long-term opiates.

The team is also involved in research related to frailty and fractures across the spectrum of chronic kidney disease, renovascular hypertension, health economics, and epidemiological studies involving glomerular diseases.

"For his significant contribution to the field of medicine, and for expanding our understanding and treatment of LPHS and chronic kidney disease, the University is privileged to recognize Dr. Bhanu Prasad with this well-deserved honorary degree," said U of R President and Vice-Chancellor Jeff Keshen.

For more information

University of Regina
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina Saskatchewan
Canada S4S 0A2

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