September 27, 2024
Education News Canada

3D printing heats up food safety

June 19, 2024

New University of Alberta research is making 3D printed food safer to eat using the machine itself.

Experiments showed that the heating element inside a 3D food printer, already used to keep edible paste pliable enough to form different shapes, can also kill SalmonellaThe harmful bacteria are responsible for five per cent of food-borne illness, 24 per cent of related hospitalizations and 16 per cent of related deaths in Canada every year. 

The research helps build knowledge about increasing food safety in the rapidly developing technology of 3D printing, says Julia Barsukova, who conducted the work to earn a master's degree in bioresource technology from the Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences

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For more information

University of Alberta
116 St. and 85 Ave.
Edmonton Alberta
Canada T6G 2R3

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