September 12, 2024
Education News Canada

Forefront of communications: Engineering dean's contributions recognized by national organization

August 21, 2024

A member of Memorial's leadership team is the first recipient of an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Canada honour.

From left, Tom Murad, IEEE Canada president, presents Dr. Octavia Dobre with her award in Kingston, Ont., on Aug. 8. Photo: Submitted

Dr. Octavia Dobre, interim dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and tier 1 Canada Research Chair in ubiquitous connectivity, is the recipient of the 2024 IEEE Canada R.A. Fessenden Silver Medal Award.

The annual award recognizes outstanding Canadian engineers for important contributions to the field of telecommunications engineering.

'Passion and commitment'

Dr. Dobre is a world-renowned researcher and innovator whose work has had global impacts on wireless, optical and underwater communications with a focus on integrated sensing and communication; integrated terrestrial-non-terrestrial networks; AI for network and network for AI; and quantum communications.

Dr. Dobre says she is "truly privileged" to receive the recognition.

"I would like to thank IEEE Canada for the incredible recognition," she said. "This accomplishment would not have been possible without the support of my amazing team of students and post-doctoral fellows, my colleagues and my family.

"This award reflects my passion and commitment over the decades, and further inspires me to push the boundaries to make a difference in this field," she added.

Wireless without limits

Dr. Dobre and her team have been at the forefront of communication technology development pioneering various methods to satisfy an increasing demand on next-generation networks, including fifth-generation (5G) and beyond wireless communications.

The field of wireless communications has evolved from a groundbreaking innovation to a foundational element of modern life, transforming industries and our way of living around the globe, says Dr. Dobre.

She aims to create seamless wireless communications while integrating terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks to achieve ubiquitous connectivity and connect the unconnected.

"We also aim to satisfy the quality-of-service requirements of a variety of devices, including mobile phones, wearables, industrial sensors and extended reality gadgets. My team and I research novel technologies that can enable a future generation of wireless networks, as well as various solutions for enhanced optical and underwater communications."

Dr. Dobre's patented designs have extended the capabilities of the industry's software-defined radios for various intelligent communication applications around the world.

She has advanced intelligent communications by developing new algorithms used by Defense Research and Development Canada (DRDC), and her algorithms have been included in the software-defined radios of various Canadian companies.

World-renowned researcher

Since joining Memorial in 2005, Dr. Dobre has trained approximately 130 highly qualified personnel.

Her research has been supported by various funding agencies and industry.

She was a Fulbright Scholar, a Royal Society Scholar and a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Communications Society.

She is an elected member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts and fellows of the Engineering Institute of Canada, the IEEE and the Canadian Academy of Engineering.

She serves as vice-president of the Publications of the Communications Society, was the founding editor-in-chief of the IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society and the inaugural chair of the Women in Communications Engineering standing committee.

For more information

Memorial University of Newfoundland
230 Elizabeth Avenue
St. John's Newfoundland
Canada A1C 5S7

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