October 10, 2024
Education News Canada

Competitive compensation for resident physicians

October 10, 2024

Alberta's government, in partnership with Alberta Health Services (AHS), the University of Alberta, University of Calgary and the Professional Association of Resident Physicians of Alberta has reached a four-year agreement that provides competitive and fair-market compensation for physicians in training.

The negotiated agreement provides wage increases of three per cent in each of the first two years, and two per cent in each of the last two years. It also includes market adjustments that put Alberta on par with other western Canadian medical schools.

Ensuring resident physicians receive competitive, fair-market compensation while they train and provide services across the province will help stabilize and strengthen acute health care today while bringing medical students and ultimately more physicians to the province to support the province's future health needs.

"Alberta's government is grateful for all the hard work resident physicians put in as they complete their training. We are pleased to see that a new agreement has been reached and look forward to more physicians calling Alberta home."

Adriana LaGrange, Minister of Health

"We are extremely grateful to all of our resident physicians, who play a vital role in caring for Albertans and supporting our front-line physicians and health care teams. This agreement will help us recruit medical students and encourage them to practise in this province."

Athana Mentzelopoulos, president and CEO, AHS

Rural and Remote Family Medicine Resident Physician Bursary Pilot Program

The agreement builds on actions Alberta's government is taking to make the province a more attractive place for medical students and resident physicians to study and practise. On Oct. 3, Alberta's government announced measures to improve health care in rural and remote communities through the new Rural and Remote Family Medicine Resident Physician Bursary Pilot Program. The bursary program is part of the province's Rural Health Action Plan.

The pilot program will provide up to $8 million annually for the next two years to medical students in their final year of an undergraduate medical program when they are matched with a family medicine residency program at the University of Alberta or University of Calgary, or to residents currently completing a family medicine residency at either university regardless of their year of study. In return, bursary recipients will commit to delivering comprehensive patient care in eligible communities for three years after completing their residency. 

"With this agreement, Alberta strengthens its position as an attractive destination for resident physicians across Canada. By enhancing compensation, training and working conditions, we ensure Alberta recruits and retains the brightest medical talent to serve our communities and shape the future of health care."

Dr. Pauwlina Cyca, president, Professional Association of Resident Physicians of Alberta (PARA)

"The University of Alberta is pleased collaborations with our partners have resulted in an agreement that reflects the critical impact resident physicians make in our health care system so all Albertans receive the care they need." 

Brenda Hemmelgarn, dean and vice-provost, College of Health Sciences, and dean, faculty of medicine & dentistry, University of Alberta

"Remuneration, respect, retention and recruitment of rural generalists are key to elevating rural hospitals to becoming rural centres of excellence. With this agreement and bursary pilot program, the Alberta government is recognizing rural health as being different, requiring separate and unique solutions for our communities that are mutually beneficial in enhancing the health of rural Albertans."

Dr. Rithesh Ram, president, section of rural medicine, Alberta Medical Association

Quick facts

  • Resident physicians have graduated medical school but are completing post-graduate training in a residency program to obtain their licence to practise. With residency programs requiring an additional two to seven years of post-graduate training, most resident physicians spend more than 10 years training to become fully licensed physicians and surgeons.
  • The Professional Association of Resident Physicians of Alberta represents more than 1,660 resident physicians in Alberta.
  • The current agreement between AHS, the University of Alberta, University of Calgary and the association ended on June 30, 2024.
  • The resident physician agreement is funded by Alberta Health through a grant to AHS and the universities.

Related information

For more information

Government of Alberta


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