Each year, the University of Saskatchewan (USask) recognizes the achievements of Métis, First Nations and Inuit students, staff, faculty, and alumni during Indigenous Achievement Week (IAW).
Destiny Fiddler of the College of Kinesiology is one of the proud recipients of an Indigenous Achievement Award for research. (Photo: Submitted)
This year, Destiny Fiddler of the College of Kinesiology is one of the proud recipients of an Indigenous Achievement Award for research. Fiddler is originally from Meadow Lake, Sask., which is 45 minutes south of her home community. She is a proud nēhiyaw iskwēw (Plains Cree woman) from Waterhen Lake First Nation.
"I am grateful to be given this award for the College of Kinesiology," said Fiddler. "It showcases the research that I have been doing and the need for Indigenous people to be included in research done on Indigenous people. I can confidently say I am the only First Nation person working on this project with Dr. Leah Ferguson researching Indigenous women and girls' participation in sport and physical activity for an SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) grant."
Fiddler aspired to continue her education after high school and chose USask because she had experience living away from home with playing sports as a teenager.
"I knew going into university I wanted to be close to home and my family," said Fiddler. "I was always interested in Indigenous health and being in a position where I could educate myself because my ancestors were never given the chance to, which is why I chose to apply to the College of Kinesiology."
Fiddler, entering her final year of studies, praised having supportive teachers growing up and being able to draw inspiration from her parents in helping her be successful in her studies. Kinesiology was a natural fit for her as she has a passion for Indigenous sports, the decolonizing of sports and Indigenous research, and Indigenous wellness.
"My family has inspired me as I grew up the youngest sibling of five. I grew up privileged and very fortunate to play high-level organized sports in a supportive home where my mom pushed me to not only succeed in sports, but that my education comes first."
"As a proud Indigenous woman raised with the values and teachings of the nehiyaw way of life, I believe this award is not for me alone, but for the generations before me and those to come. It represents the strength of our collective spirit, the resilience to discover our gifts, and the determination to carry them forward on our paths."
Destiny FiddlerLast Updated: March 11, 2025
Her grandparents and mother are both residential school survivors, and the loss of her grandmother in 2022 created inspiration for her to continue her post-secondary education journey for not only herself, but her grandmother.
"I did not only want to do this for myself but for my grandmother and ancestors that did not get this privilege, and I am grateful I get to be in this position for them. I come from a big family, and I spend a lot of my free time with my nieces and nephews. They inspired me to graduate and lead by example by showing them that they can achieve anything they put their mind to."
Fiddler will be the first of her family to graduate from university and she wants to use her experience to help the younger generations feel comfortable coming to her for support and to ask questions they may have about post-secondary education.
She recently was accepted to begin a Master of Science in Kinesiology at USask under the supervision of Dr. Leah Ferguson (PhD). She is also waiting to hear back from other universities for a Master of Occupational Therapy. If successful with any of her applications, she plans to begin a Master of Occupational Therapy at one of the respective universities and be a voice and advocate for Indigenous peoples in the health care system.
Indigenous Achievement Week is an annual USask event that celebrates Métis, First Nations and Inuit students, staff, faculty and alumni's successes. This year's IAW is scheduled for March 10 to 14, 2025. Learn more: https://spotlight.usask.ca/indigenous-achievement-week/index.php
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