September 19, 2024
Education News Canada

UQAT to be first university to host the Quebec Aboriginal Science Fair, in March

February 22, 2018

This March, the Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue (UQAT) campus in Val-d'Or will host the 18th edition of the Quebec Aboriginal Science Fair (QASF), an event organized in partnership with the Quebec Aboriginal Science and Engineering Association (QASEA). From March 20 to 22, 2018, approximately 90 young scientists from some 20 communities and their chaperons will visit the UQAT campus in Val-d'Or.

With Science, A Real FasciNATION! as its theme, this scientific competition is open to students from Grade 5 to Secondary 5. Invitations were sent to 56 Aboriginal communities in Quebec, from Nunavik to the Gaspé, and several schools have already expressed interest in participating again, this year.

UQAT seized the opportunity to host this important scientific competition, which usually takes place in Aboriginal communities. "It is a great honor, and it is with pride that we welcome the Quebec Aboriginal Science Fair to UQAT. Indeed, this very powerful event is a unique opportunity to shine a spotlight on Aboriginal youth from across Quebec," asserts Mr. Denis Martel, UQAT President.

SAMIAN, Event Ambassador
Algonquin performer Samian agreed to be the ambassador for this edition, and will be on hand to meet the youths in person, during the Science Fair. Samian had no hesitation about his involvement: "This type of event is a unique opportunity to develop the full potential of our youth, to promote and share our cultures, and especially, to build relationships. As spokesperson for the 18th edition, I invite youths from all communities (Nations) in Quebec to participate in science projects, and register before March 12, 2018," says Samian.

Eager Aboriginal Scientists
Some 20 judges will be in attendance at this 18th edition, among which are several Aboriginal scientists who come from the Attikamekw, Huron-Wendat, Innu, and Algonquin Nations.  More specifically, during the fair, the youths will present their science projects. Besides the jury, who will evaluate these projects, groups of students from schools in Val-d'Or and surrounding communities may visit the fair. At the close of the event, a banquet will be held, at which prizes will be awarded to stand-out projects in different categories. Up to 4 QASF winners may represent the Aboriginal Québec Autochtone region at the Canada-Wide Science Fair  (CWSF). They will compete with 500 of the best young Canadian scientists at the secondary to CEGEP level.  The CWSF takes place this year in Ottawa during the week of May 14. "We want our youth to take their place in the sciences and the Quebec Aboriginal Science Fair brings them together and motivates them to show their aptitude, knowledge, and creativity in scientific fields," declared Marc Lalande, QASEA's President-Treasurer.

Enthusiastic Partners 
This event is made possible thanks to our financial partners and sponsors: the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission, Indigenous Services Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the ministère de l'Éducation et de l'Enseignement supérieur, the Secrétariat aux affaires autochtones, as well as our presenting sponsor, Hydro-Québec, SNC-Lavalin, Pageau, Morel et associés Inc., the Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec, the RBA Financial Group and the Native Commercial Credit Corporation.

About the Quebec Aboriginal Science and Engineering Association (QASEA)
QASEA is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote sciences and engineering to Aboriginal youth attending school in First Nations and Inuit Communities in Quebec. QASEA achieves its mission through the Aboriginal Science Fair Program, which enables youth to share scientific results, or conduct scientific experiments and to participate as finalists in the Quebec Aboriginal Science Fair, an event held since 1998.

For more information

Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
445, boulevard de l'Université
Rouyn-Noranda Québec
Canada J9X 5E4

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