September 28, 2024
Education News Canada

Ambrose signs MOU with Bow Valley College

December 9, 2019

Ambrose University and Bow Valley College are pleased to announce a memorandum of understanding (MOU) which will allow Bow Valley College students to complete their degree at Ambrose.

Photo: Ambrose Faculty and staff gather together for the signing of the MOU.
Back (L-R) - Dr. Ken Draper, Barrett Hileman, Kim McLachlan, Helen Thiessen, Laura Cochrane, Dr. Ted Pike 
Front (L-R) - Tim Vanderpyl, Dr. Gordon T. Smith, Dr. Linda Schwartz

"The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between Bow Valley College and Ambrose University demonstrates the shared commitments of furthering education, building community and excellence in academic pursuits. At Ambrose, we look forward to welcoming the student of Bow Valley College as they complete their degree at our institution. We look forward to working with Bow Valley College on our outstanding educational opportunities," said Gordon T. Smith, President of Ambrose University.

Currently, we offer specific pathways for Bow Valley College students to use their Addictions Studies, Child and Youth Care, and Justice Studies diploma programs towards our Behavioural Science degree.

"Ambrose is a proud member of Campus Alberta and we welcome each opportunity that comes our way to be in strategic partnership with other post-secondary institutions that are part of the excellent system of higher education that we have here in Alberta," added Gordon.

Many Bow Valley College courses are eligible for transfer credit to Ambrose and new agreements are being discussed. Ambrose is proud to partner with Bow Valley College and looks forward to working together on our shared vision to impart knowledge that will have far-reaching changes in the world.

For more information on the details of the transfer credits, please click here.

For more information

Ambrose University
150 Ambrose Circle S.W.
Calgary Alberta
Canada T3H 0L5