September 29, 2024
Education News Canada

Welcoming new members to the Board of Regents

November 6, 2020

The University of Sudbury is pleased to announce the appointment of two new external members to its Board of Regents: Father André Gagnon, S.J., and Father John McCarthy, S.J.

 Fr. André Gagnon holds a diploma in Human Sciences from Collège St-Félicien; a bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management from Université du Québec in Chicoutimi; a B.A. in Philosophy from Université de Montréal; as well as a bachelor's degree in Theology (Ecclesiology) and a master's degree in Theology (Patristics, Ignatius of Antioch, the Church, family of God) from Centre Sèvres in Paris. He also attended the noviciate for Jesuit Fathers in Montreal from 1986-1988, and received his priestly ordination in September 1996 by Mgr Jean-Guy Couture in Chicoutimi. He has vast wordly experience, having worked in Chad as an Associate Treasurer at the diocese of N'Djamena and as a teacher in accounting and spirituality at the major seminary in Bakara; in Cameroon as Treasurer at the diocese of  Yaoundé, and as collaborator at the spiritual center of the Christian life community; in Central African Republic (Bangui) as university Chaplain; in Senegal as Director of the sociocultural center and as Priest of the St Pierre Claver Parish (Tambacounda); as well as in Montreal as National Director of Pontifical Missionaries Societies of the Francophone sector in Canada, before traveling to Israel during his sabbatical year. He has also taught some courses offered by the University of Sudbury, and is now President and General Director of the Villa Loyola's Spiritual Center, in Sudbury.

Fr. John McCarthy holds a B.Sc. in Forestry from the University of New Brunswick; a Master's of Science (M.S.) in Soil Science from the University of Florida; a De Universa in Jesuit Philosophical Studies from Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington; a diploma in French Language Studies - Programme special de français pour non-Francophones from Université Laval; a Bachelor of Sacred Theology (S.T.B.) from l'Institut d'Études Théologiques in Brussels; a Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) and a Master of Theology (Th.M.) from the University of Toronto; and a Ph.D. in Forest Ecology from the University of British Columbia. He is currently the Superior of the Jesuits of Sudbury, Ecology Facilitator of the Jesuits of Canada, and a Visiting Scholar at Laurentian University, within the Herbarium in the Department of Biology. He has helped discover lichen species new to science, has written and continues to write on lichen biodiversity, science and faith, and ecology and theology. He has also presented a variety of talks and interviews on his topics of expertise, and won some awards including the Canadian Environment Award, Gold Prize (Lands and Forest Category) from the Canadian Geographic Magazine / Royal Geographical Society of Canada.

We also welcome Dr. Kornel Zathureczky and Mohammed El Mendri  - members of our university community - into the Board of Regents, for faculty and student positions. Dr. Zathureczky is an Associate Professor as well as Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Sudbury.

"We are so pleased to see these new faces join the the high-caliber Board of Regents team," shares Dr. John Meehan, S.J., President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sudbury. "With their backgrounds and extensive knowledge in the areas of finance, ecology and theology, they will no doubt brilliantly contribute to the achievement of our goals and the continued incarnation of our identity and mission."

For more information

University of Sudbury
935, chemin du lac Ramsey Lake Road
Sudbury Ontario
Canada P3E2C6

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