September 16, 2024
Education News Canada

New agreement with Talent Basket offers Capilano University students virtual international internships

December 9, 2021

Capilano University is pleased to announce it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Talent Basket, a global organization that connects students with virtual international work experience opportunities in the tourism and hospitality industries. Talent Basket's internships offer CapU students an avenue to both earn academic credits in their program and gain career-building work experience without leaving home.

Talent Basket operates as a global online marketplace connecting businesses offering project-based work and training with educated young professionals who have the knowledge and expertise to deliver business services virtually and on-demand. The organization works with clients in countries around the world including Guam, Slovenia, Taiwan, Thailand, Canada and the United States.

"CapU's agreement with Talent Basket supports our commitment to educate and develop globally minded graduates in tourism and outdoor recreation management who are ready to take on future challenges," said Stephanie Wells, chair, School of Tourism Management at Capilano University. "Additionally, the virtual nature of Talent Basket projects creates contemporary opportunities for students at a time when international internship opportunities are challenged by pandemic related travel restrictions."

Talent Basket work experience projects open doors for students in CapU's School of Tourism Management and School of Outdoor Recreation Management. Students apply their knowledge in a real-world setting. The work experience opportunities focus on developing sought after digital skills which add value to students' credentials and competitiveness in the marketplace upon graduation.

The international work experience is a 3.0 credit independent study course with guided support from a School of Tourism Management faculty member and one of Talent Basket's Talent Captains.  Students apply, interview and secure an offer as part of the process. The international work experience earns students' academic credit in the form of an elective on their transcript.

CapU's relationship with Talent Basket is supported by the University's membership with the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and in collaboration with CapU's PATA Canada Vancouver Student Chapter. 

For more information

Capilano University
2055 Purcell Way
North Vancouver British Columbia
Canada V7J 3H5

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