September 18, 2024
Education News Canada

Announcing York University's Action Plan on Black Inclusion

December 9, 2021

Today (Dec 8), York University launches its Action Plan on Black Inclusion: A Living Document for Action. The document outlines a series of strong and accountable commitments and is informed by input received from the community.

Dear Colleagues,

Over the past year, York University, with the help of community members, has intensified its efforts to address systemic anti-Black racism at the University.

In February 2021, following meetings with more than 200 Black community members and other stakeholders, the University released two significant documents for further consultation: Addressing Anti-Black Racism: A Framework on Black Inclusion, and the accompanying Draft Action Plan on Black Inclusion.  A virtual town hall was held in March 2021 to seek input from faculty, staff and students, followed by a subsequent round of consultations resulting in broad feedback and suggestions from community members across the University. An important theme throughout the consultations was the need for action even while recognizing that input would be ongoing and continue to shape annual priorities. 

We are therefore pleased to be announcing today the launch of York's first Action Plan on Black Inclusion: A Living Document for Action. The framework and action plan are both available on the Addressing Anti-Black Racism at York website

The action plan outlines a series of strong and accountable commitments informed by the input received, marking an important step that York University is making to combat anti-Black racism and provide equitable access to learning, teaching, research and professional environments. Commitments in the action plan include: hiring a minimum of 12 new Black faculty members by 2023; creating a new physical space to facilitate meetings among Black faculty, staff and students; increasing funding for scholarships, bursaries and other forms of financial aid in support of Black students; developing Black scholarship incentive grants to support research grant applications; and establishing a new, culturally safe tool for complaints about racial discrimination and harassment, available in English and French.

This work is already well underway, and we are pleased to report on some of the important steps that have already been taken at an institutional level as well as in local units:

  • Twelve new Black faculty members have been welcomed to the University, with one additional Black faculty member confirmed for 2022. 
  • A new Provost's Post-Doctoral Fellowship program was launched specifically for Black and Indigenous applicants, with this year's four recipients announced in August 2021.
  • mentorship program for Black and women students was launched by the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies.
  • $150,000 has been committed to support Black scholars in 2021-22, and consultation has begun on the formation of a funding program for Black scholars, with the goal to launch by early 2022. As part of a $2.25 million commitment over the next three years to advance equity, diversity and inclusion through community engagement and research activities, $50,000 per year has been committed to Black community engagement projects and $250,000 per year to Black research and knowledge mobilization projects, beginning in 2022.
  • $100,000 has been committed to support the activities of York's Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC) and the Harriet Tubman Institute ($50,000 per research unit). 
  • The Department of Community Safety has taken steps to undertake a review of services and to explore alternative community safety models.
  • The Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion continues to offer its Anti-Racism Training to community members, and to record numbers of participants.
  • The Black Excellence at York University recruitment and student support hub was launched to support Black student achievement.
  • The Gertrude Mianda Prize for Excellence in Essay Writing was launched by the Glendon Race Equity Caucus. 
  • New Human Rights Policy and Procedures were approved by the Board of Governors in June 2021.

We have committed to the Action Plan on Black Inclusion being a living document, open to review, and evolving over time. This approach allows us to move forward with the urgent action that is needed while at the same time appreciating that changes may be required as circumstances change. We will also be reporting back to the community on our progress in implementing the action plan on an annual basis. We anticipate that the first progress report will be released in February 2022.

We are also pleased to share that York University signed on to endorse the Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion in Canadian Higher Education on Nov. 18, 2021. Endorsement of this charter is continued affirmation of York's commitment to addressing the systemic anti-Black racism that pervades academia, and to fostering pan-Canadian communities of learning that build inclusive, substantive equality.

Bringing about systemic change is everyone's responsibility. We call on all members of the York community to read the Framework on Black Inclusion and Action Plan on Black Inclusion: A Living Document for Action, as well as the Scarborough Charter. We also encourage community members to identify actions in their individual, divisional and unit work to address anti-Black racism and white supremacy.

We recognize that this message or topic may have a personal impact for some. Should you feel that you might benefit from support, there are a variety of resources available to the York community listed on the Mental Health and Wellness website and through the Employee and Family Assistance Program


Rhonda Lenton
President and Vice-Chancellor

Sheila Cote-Meek
Vice-President Equity, People and Culture

This story was originally featured in YFile, York University's community newsletter.

For more information

York University
4700 Keele Street
Toronto Ontario
Canada M3J 1P3

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