Self in Place opened online on Friday, August 12 showcasing an array of works by students from across the globe, produced as part of the six week summer intensive, Bridge To First Year.
Part of the Writing & Learning Centre's English for Art & Design (EAD) suite of programs for English Language Learners (ELLs) and multilingual students who are entering their first year, Bridge To First Year supports language and studio skill building specific to art and design curriculum taught at the University.
"The exhibition spotlights students who have had the chance to practice language skills while working on art and design projects that are meaningful to them," notes Adrienne Reynolds, who is in the role of EAD Specialist year round and taught in the Bridge To First program this summer.
"Working with experienced instructors they've engaged in an iterative process, starting with ideation and brainstorming, creating proposals and drafts and completing a final artwork. The exhibition provides the opportunity for them to showcase and take pride in their efforts," she continues.
The works displayed in the show are as varied as EAD students' interests, as they are the culmination of personal, process-based activities undertaken throughout the program including mind mapping and independent project development in which students focused on making and writing about their unique creative practices.
The exhibition has provided the 45 students from China, South Korea, Taiwan, Iran, Turkey and Vietnam, who completed the program this summer the opportunity to further practice their discipline-specific language skills while working towards finished art and design projects of their choosing.
The exhibition's opening coincided with the final class of EAD: Bridge to First Year. Next, students who successfully completed the program will enter a range of undergraduate programs at OCAD U including Environmental Design, Experimental Animation, Illustration, Graphic Design, Drawing & Painting, Material Art & Design and Industrial Design. Students who completed the program will start their full-time undergraduate studies at OCAD U in September. EAD: Bridge To First Year students who need additional support with their academic communication skills will take EAD: Expanded over their fall term.
English for Art & Design is OCAD U's pathway to full admission for students who are working towards meeting the University's language proficiency requirements. EAD provides opportunities to develop the skills required for students to engage in critical conversations about their creative practice and to analyze the contributions of other artists and designers. Familiarity with first-year studio practice, critique, academic integrity, using first language resources and gaining experience with different media are among the skills that students learn in the program. EAD currently offers three separate programs: Preparation (12 weeks, April to June); Bridge To First Year (6 weeks, July to August); and Expanded (offered throughout the fall semester).
In addition to Reynolds, EAD is supported by Emilie Brancato, Manager, English Language Learning, Elaine Munro, Program Coordinator (EAD), Shahriar Mirshahidi, ELL Specialist (EAD) and Michelle Majeed, Instructional Designer.
Students enrolled in Bridge To First Year this year received instruction and language support from James Ashby, Emily Cadotte, Xiangying Huo, Jonathan Luke, Craig Rodmore and Andrea Valente. Mirshahidi also provided instruction this summer.