March 17, 2025
Education News Canada

Seine River School Division Board of Trustees Approves 2025-26 Budget

March 17, 2025

At the public meeting held on Tuesday, March 11, the Seine River School Division (SRSD) Board of Trustees approved a budget of $78.35M for the 2025/26 school year. 

View the highlights of the budget.

The 2025/26 budget prioritizes increased staffing to support the diverse needs of our students, and will reduce class sizes, allowing for increased personalized attention and an improved learning environment. Additionally, we are investing in the operational needs of a growing division, including improvements to information technology, additional bus routes, and ensuring our buildings are adequately maintained. Despite increased expenditures, the Division remains on track to eliminate its deficit in the 2026/27 budget year.

Supported by a 5.7% increase in provincial funding and adjusted property reassessment values, there will be no change to the mill rate for 2025. Individual tax implications will vary based on reassessment values, as well as the new Provincial Homeowners Affordability Tax Credit (HATC).

The SRSD Board of Trustees appreciates the feedback from stakeholders in finalizing this year's budget. The approved plan carefully balances the increased needs of the division with the fiscal responsibility expected by taxpayers, keeping the delivery of high-quality education at the forefront of all decision making.

For more information

Seine River School Division
475-A Senez St.
Lorette Manitoba
Canada R0A 0Y0

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